Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Screws Are Seven TImes Better Than Nails

Screws come in a variety of shapes and sizes f...Image via Wikipedia

I don’t know why people use nails when they can use screws instead. The reason for this has been known for many years now and has stuck in my mind for decades. Quite simply, screws are seven times more secure than nails.

How many time have you bought some furniture and found that after a short while the nails start losing their grip and eventually wear the wood and become looser and looser as you keep knocking them back in.

Well here’s the tip – When you buy god that just have nails that are securing bit and pieces, take them out whenever practical and replace them with screws. Screws only cost a few pence each and being seven times stronger and also as an equivalent last seven times longer.

I have done this with wardrobes with nailed backing (plywood) and cabinet draw bases with tacks, both from new and I have not had any problem with the screws not budging in the slightest since. For the amount of time it takes to do this it is time well invested.

You can also save the nails that should be brand new and can be used again for other jobs.
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