Here’s a winter tip that will keep your feet warm without any extra cost on heating. It is a simple idea that uses energy that is wasted in many households that can be transferred to your feet on cold winter days.
After using you oven for cooking it usually left empty to cool down. All this heat is there to be used while the cooling period is in progress. This heat can be captured in two bricks that you can place in the oven after the food is taken out. The heat will transfer and now be stored in the bricks after 10 minutes and are ideal as feet warmers. There will probably be enough heat in your oven for more that one pair of bricks that can be warmed up as well.
Not only is it free heating but has a feel good factor behind it with warm feet and knowing that the energy you pay for in heating is being put to good effect.
The idea was taken from brick that were placed on wood burners in Bulgaria as feet warmers and by golly do they need them during the harsh winters that are felt here.