My goodness it’s cold right now and bring back to mind some tips to save on winter fuel this winter. I have already given a few for starters and now will give some more to top it up.
Quite often energy suppliers provide electric but gas as well. When you buy both from the same supplier it is technically know as dual fuel plan. Not every supplier does this and this is where you can save even more if you shop around.
Quite simply, it is quite often the case that buying your gas and electric on a dual plan will work out cheaper than using two energy suppliers. Again, so many people are not aware of this and are paying over the odds at a time when most energy is being used. It is also the case that now is the time to act, as each day that goes past is another day of paying more than you should.
On top of this tip ask yourself this question. Are you really struggling to pay for your energy bills right now? If the answer is yes there is help available to certain parties. Both pensioners (people over 60 years of age) and those on job seekers allowances both may be entitled to benefits that would help towards paying the bills. You need to ask at your local pension office or job seeker’s office for details. Can I just say that if you don’t ask you don’t get in many cases, that the way of pensions and benefits policies now!
So, more tips to help you get through this winter and armed for winters to come. More tips to come later n this series of frugal ways to save money on energy bills.