Saturday, 29 November 2008

Sensible Fingernail Care Without Cost

Sensible Fingernail Care Without CostNow I am a bloke but I have lovely fingernails and I don't use any chemicals, have never had a manicure in my life and have never had any problems at all with ailments throughout my life. Don't get me wrong, I had always done the housework, vacuuming, dusting scrubbing, hands immersed in washing up liquid etc. It is not as if my nails have been protected from the wear and tear of daily work routines. So why am I writing about nails? It is purely from the fact that I see so much written on nail care but the prime reason is to sell mainly chemical based products that in my own mind aren't needed.

Apart from the fashion side of nail painting (that's another genre) general nail care can do without all this commercial garbage that is thrown out all the time. I put it down to a healthy diet and regular trimming of the nails. It really interests that the vast majority of information about nail care involves buying chemical products to treat fingernails from parties that are interested in profit rather than care.

I have however found some little tips from other that don’t involve buying products that have been marketed to make you think you can't do without them.

  • Cut a lemon or lime it in half, squeeze the juices in a cup and rub inside of the lemon/lime onto your nails. This will make your nails stronger. Do this every day and then reduce it after a week or so. Apparently it makes your nails stronger and really works!
  • Take clove of garlic cut it in half and rub it on your nails once a day. This is another tip for strengthening fingernails!
  • Sensible Fingernail Care Without CostFingernail care is through a well planned and balanced diet is the best way to get your nails in tiptop condition. The right kind of foods added in your regular diet can easily bring your fingernails to a great appearance. However, remember that nails are made of keratin (a protein) this enables the nails to protect your fingers and toes from injuries. A poor diet will reflect itself in weak and brittle nails.
  • Soak your fingers in a bowl filled with mild soapy water this will soften your cuticles. After around 10 minutes, dry your hands and gently push back the skin and cuticle of each fingernail.
  • Splitting nails is often traced back to dehydration. It is important to drink plenty of water and regularly to keep your hydration levels up.
  • If you trim your nails regularly this will avoid them breaking off. The pointed tip of your fingernail will break off mostly so cut your fingernails in a squared or rounded shape.Sensible Fingernail Care Without Cost

Do you need to spend hundreds of pounds on nailcare proucts of go for a manicure once a week/month? If you look after your own health this shouldn't be necessary, but then you may just got for the treat that's fine.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Cold and Flu - Cost Free Tips on How to Avoid Them

Cold and Flu - Cost Free Tips on How to Avoid ThemHaving a cold or flu isn't very pleasant at all, not least is the fact that you will be spreading the germs around yourself no and affecting other people in your environment. Prevention can be practiced that is completely free and is always better than a cure. This is especially this case where there is no known cure for the common cold or flu!

Warding off colds and flu is the best policy, it saves you suffering, other people suffering and of course saving money from medication and loss of work. Getting a flu job from your local general practitioner is a good starting block, it may not be the most natural way of dealing with it, but it is normally free and works. There are many other things you can do to prevent you from getting a cold or the flu, even if you take a few of these on board the risks of infection will be reduced.

Direct contact is the main reason for contracting flu. A sneeze into the hand and a touch on the telephone, the computer keyboard or even a door handle will get you if you follow up with a touch there yourself. Germs can survive on surfaces for weeks. If wash your hands often this will prevent infecting objects. Even rubbing your hands together causing heat from the friction will kill bacteria, so a hand-basin doesn't have to be around all the time.

As mentioned viruses and germs cling to your hands as you invariably muffle coughs and sneezes with your hands. If you feel a sneeze or cough coming on, use a tissue and dispose of it right away, (we throw ours in the wood burner.) If there is no tissue, sneeze or cough away from people (which is courteous as well) or into your hands and immediately wash them. Your eyes, nose, or mouth is where viruses and germ enter your body. If you touch other peoples' faces this is the main area in which people catch colds.

Cold and Flu - Cost Free Tips on How to Avoid ThemAn underrated precaution and something that should be done on a regular basis is drinking water. Water flushes your system, as well as re-hydrating you it detoxifies your system. If you check the colour of your urine and it deep yellow, you need to drink more water until it runs clear. Many people just don't practice this and it is such a simple and effective precaution to take. As well as water, access to fresh air is recommended. It is not always possible, but if you have the means to do so, get some it's important, especially in cold weather. There are so many people who stay indoors with their central heating and air conditioning this generates more germs. Get out and breathe germ-less air.

Speeding up your heart to pump larger quantities of blood can be achieved by doing aerobic exercise, this helps transfer oxygen from your lungs to your blood. You begin to sweat once your body heats up and your natural virus-killing cells will become more active with fighting off any attack of germs or viruses it comes across.

The food you eat makes a difference. The natural chemicals in plants give essential vitamins giving a boost to your immune system. If you eat more fresh vegetables and fruits this will also reduce the risk of infection. Living in Bulgaria I know all about yogurt, the bacteria that makes yogurt can only be found naturally in Bulgaria. Of course it is now cultured worldwide. Yogurt can reduce the risk of catching a cold by up to 25%. Researchers results show that the beneficial bacteria in yogurt stimulate production of immune system that fights diseases such as colds and the flu.

Cold and Flu - Cost Free Tips on How to Avoid ThemSmoking and drinking are two areas that are causes of colds and flu. It is a well-know fact that if you are a heavy smoker you are more likely to get more frequent and severe colds. The reason is that smoke dries out your nasal passages and restricts the effectiveness of the natural defences designed to keep germs out. Research has proved that just one cigarette smoked can bring down the natural defences from viruses for up 40 minutes. No defence at any time for chain smokers with this in mind. The body's primary filtering system is your liver; drinking large amounts of alcohol will cause germs to remain in your body for longer than usual. Heavy drinkers therefore are likely to be more prone to infections. Alcohol actually takes more fluids from your system. This effectively dehydrates you system. A bit like taking water out of your body. If you do drink, make sure you interweave the drinking with glasses of water to combat this.

Cold and Flu - Cost Free Tips on How to Avoid ThemThe final tip is all about stress. Stress is a common symptom for most people but excessive stress contributes greatly to efficiency of you immune system. If you can teach yourself to relax your immune system will improve. It will increase in the bloodstream and renew your bodies fighting potential against germs and viruses. Find pleasant or calm things to do for half an hour a day and sustain this for six months. Relaxation is something you have to learn is not about doing nothing but doing something that distracts your attention and puts you at ease. There is a difference between being relaxed and being bored. It has been tested and was found that being bored has no affect on the immune system whereas being relaxed does.

All these tips cost absolutely nothing to practise and not only will help prevent you getting a cold or flu but will make you a healthier person as well.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Take Pains with Stains - You'll Save Money

Take Pains with Stains - You'll Save moneyStains happen, especially in an environment with children and pets, in fact it is common with this scenario. If have a good understanding and knowledge of dealing with stains, in most cases you will avoid big costs on replacing the stained object.

Most stains can be easily removed directly after it happens. Getting in quick makes a big difference between removing a stubborn dried in stain compared to the ease of a fresh one, but not in haste as will be explained. Dealing with a stain in the middle of a social evening with guests may seem a little rude, but you will be very glad you did at the end of the day.

Initially you need to know what stain it is. From this you can find the most effective method to remove it. Stains come under categories, try and work out which category of the stain it is. Sometimes this is difficult, especially if you can't identify the stain. Look closely at the stain before tackling it. Ask yourself questions:
  • Is it Oily or Greasy?
  • Does it smell?
  • It is some sort of food or drink?
  • Is it wet or dry?
  • Has it been absorbed through the fabric or is it still just on the surface?
You also need to check out kind of fabric the stain is on. This is imperative to judging the correct method of removing the stain.

Take Pains with Stains - You'll Save moneyIt is a good idea to always have certain handy stain removal facilities. These can be things like lemon juice, white vinegar, baking soda and bleach. A good supply of kitchen towels is also a good idea to have at hand. Stain removers are available commercially and are specific to dealing with certain types of stains. They are expensive however and money is effectively wasted stocking when many basic household items work just as well. There is one exception; a general dry cleaning product is the exception alongside a spot remover which will deal with carpets and other upholstery.

Initially, use the mildest stain remover; why go in the full attack if a little bit of water on a cloth will solve the problem? You can use more powerful methods if the initial attack has failed. Repetition of the process may be needed bearing in mind that the stronger the cleaning product, the chances of damaging your fabric will increase.

Take Pains with Stains - You'll Save moneyThe worse thing you can do is panic! Stains will happen at the wrong time and on the most important fabrics. Be calm and decide a removal plan thoughtfully, then work on it using the correct system. Bear in mind that there are very few instances where hard scrubbing is required. A slow gentle removal is far more effective and certainly less damaging to the surfaces,

There is one exception to the rushing rule and that is dealing with mud. It is best to left until dry, then it can be easily removed by brushed off before cleaning int the normal way. Always check the label on material based products, don't assume that every fabric is washable.

A very common mistake with rushing in to tackle a stain is to not go through the process of a spot-test. Stain removers and solvents can ruin fabrics in some cases as the stain can end up worse. So it is always worth your while to spot-test in an area not seen. This is important if you are going to use a bleach of any sort. Keep a few scraps of carpets and curtains so you can test them before tackling the stain.

A Final point to remember:
Take Pains with Stains - You'll Save moneyCare with the chemicals you are using is a must; they can be very dangerous if misused. Turpentine and white spirit are highly flammable as well as being also poisonous. Bleach products should never be mixed as chemical reactions can turn out to produce lethal fumes. Always check the area is well ventilated and try to avoid inhaling any fumes. In some cases protective clothing and eye gear is recommended. The manufacturers know their products so take their advice and follow the instructions and keep any chemicals carefully locked away and secure out of harm's way, and especially out of the reach of children and pets.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Hair Care = Health Care

Hair Care = Health CareThere has never been a time when people, not only women are concerned about they hair.

It has always been the case that everyone looks more beautiful, healthier, thicker and attractive hair. It is not a case of just giving it a quick shampoo and blow dry. Most of us go further than that and fall for the ambush of advertised product, which in many cases just fail and leave you out of pocket. If you can understand your hair a little better and the problems that come into play as well as picking up a few tips along the way you will be come wiser and richer.

The kind of hair you have is important as nearly all shampoos make different products for different kinds of hair. Your hair has three main conditions - oily, dry or balanced. Check out what your hair type you have then you can take steps to improve its condition from this knowledge.

If our body and general well being is not healthy this will reflect with a lack of nutrients in you hair. Not only hair but also your skin and nails will begin to look unhealthy. If you lose hair or when it looks damaged, it can be external factors or an imbalance or deficiency of nutrients. Your hair basically reflects and gives away the state of your health.

If hair loss is excessive and becomes brittle or even just loses its lustre, it is a sure sign for you to look as what you are doing wrong. It may be the hair products you are using which aren't suited to your hair type. It may be ageing and environmental changes or even relationships with you partner. Having said this, most often it will be a medical condition that you may be suffering from such as anemia.

Vitamins may prove to be the most helpful remedy in improving the condition of your hair. B group vitamins alongside other kinds are clinically proven to cure many hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff, greying etc. Try to eat food that has natural vitamins, this new diet will help tremendously with the condition of you hair.

Hair Care = Health CareEveryone has suffered from dandruff at some point in his or her lives. It is a truly embarrassing and unwanted affair at the best of times. Itching aside, it simply looks bad and a sure way to become isolated. Dandruff symptoms needs to be understood, only then can the problem be fixed. A good shampoo can quite often be the simplest answer to this problem. Buy a local brand rathere than a brand name such as the overpriced 'Head and Shoulders', brand name, it will be the same stuff but half the cost. Try it, failing that you doctor can prescribe a remedy.

What about greying hair that normally comes with age? it is inevitable for our hair to lose it's young and vibrant colour after so many years but age is just one of the causes. Stress and environmental conditions have turned hair grey; age is not always the culprit. Hair colouring certainly comes into play here to help many look their age, and many other to look younger! Nothing wrong with that, but hair colouring is not just about dyeing, it is a fashion nowadays.

Hair Care = Health CareJust a quick mention that men of course can quite simply shave their heads and get away with it as that is the fashion now. Women haven’t yet got to that fashion point yet and why should they as quite often hair is part and parcel of a personality of a woman.

Our physical problems seem to increase with age, but you don't have to retire on that. It is all about taking the initiative you take for a healthy regime in diet and exercise, this is the secret to hair that will look good throughout your live. Look after yourself and your hair will not need special treatment. There is not need to spend hundreds of pounds on products that claim to enhance you hair when these are not needed if you are healthy.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Egg Advice - Mostly Good Advice

Egg Advice - Mostly Good AdviceEggs from your own chickens are simply the best! You know exactly where you stand in terms of how that egg was made. A daily fresh source, no chemicals and of course always tastes much better than shop or supermarket eggs; most people have to buy them.It was a sorry day when bylaws werre introduced stating that many urban areas in the UK are banned from keeping chickens, I think this may be something more to do with pushing sales of eggs from major producers more that environmental issues. Think of all the waste that would be saved if every family have chickens in their yard, but that' another story.

I have found so many tips of eggs, most of these tips are for eggs purchased from third parties. Although there are standards in the egg industry and having worked within the food chain industry, all is not as it sometimes makes out.

Egg Advice - Mostly Good Advice

Tips are given from many sources and sites some tips better than others. Additional comments are made alongside, but I take no responsibility or confess to being an egg expert other than my own long and considered experience from farming. I take the common sense route from that experience.

  • After removing the eggs from the refrigerator, use them immediately.
  • When baking, it's best to use medium to large eggs; extra-large eggs may cause cakes to fall when cooled.
  • Always use moderate heat and controlled cooking times for eggs if too high they will end up tough.
  • Put a tablespoon of vinegar to the water before poaching eggs helps keep the whites from spreading.
  • There is nothing wrong with eggs that have a blood spot on the yolk.
  • Don't eat cracked eggs or eggs that have been out of the refrigerator for more than two hours. (I think this tip is a bit too over the top!!)
  • Fresh eggs will sink at once in a bowl of salted water and lie at the bottom; a bad egg will float. The reason is there is less of an air pocket in fresh eggs older eggs will have dehydrated.
  • Brown eggs have thicker shells, this will make them a good choice for boiled eggs for the simply reason they don't crack as easily.
  • Mark older eggs with a pencil to reminder you to use them first so you always have fresh eggs on hand.
  • Egg Advice - Mostly Good Advice
  • To keep eggs as fresh as possible, always store them with the pointed end down in the box.
  • Look for the 'Lion' mark on the eggshells and egg box (UK only) - it shows that the eggs have been produced to the highest standards of food safety - (So they say!)
  • Buy eggs from a reputable retailer where they will should been transported and stored at the correct temperature (recommended at below 20°C.)
  • Keep eggs refrigerated after purchase.
  • Store eggs in their boxes as the eggs are porous keeping them away from strong-smelling foods.
  • Make sure you use eggs by the 'best before' date shown on the egg or box - for Lion Quality eggs, this guarantees that they are fresher than required by law. (Again the best before date to me is another way to get you to buy more, if they are stored correctly you can keep and use them well beyond the best before date.)
  • Wash hands before and after handling eggs.
  • Discard dirty or cracked eggs, (Not entirely in agreement, they can still be used as long as they are not stored for any length of time.)
  • Eat cooked egg dishes as soon as possible after cooking. (Don't burn you tongue!)
  • Adding a little soy sauce to the water when hard-boiling eggs will tint the shells and make it easier to tell them apart from the white raw ones. (Surely you will be eating them straight after cooking!)
Finally, I make my own mayonnaise, you just can't beat it (well actually you do have to beat it!)

The recipe is given here:

Homemade Mayonnaise

If you didn't already know, mayonnaise is full of preservatives if bought from a shop or supermarket. If you make your own, it will keep in the refrigerator for a up to a month.

Egg Advice - Mostly Good Advice 2-3 eggs
1-tablespoon mustard (Dijon type)
Oil (most types I use sunflower)
Lemon juice (fresh or bottled)
Freshly ground pepper

Place the egg yolks into a food processor and add the mustard, a little salt and pepper to taste. Then squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Next, process on low speed until it begins to run smooth. Very slowly add a trickle of oil with the processor running until the mixture turns into a creamy, smooth mayonnaise. Finally, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator - You will never go back to buying mayonnaise again.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Snoring Cures - Cheap Tips Without Bills

Snoring Cures - Cheap Tips Without BillsSnoring is something that is a fact of life and a plague to those who have to put up with it. It causes sleepless nights, stress which leads to inefficiency at work becoming run down and culminating in illness. There is also a guilt about snoring as it is not the snorer that suffers but the passive listeners, not necessarily in the same room! So any tips to try and stop snoring from mainly sensible and natural methods may do the trick. No guarantees, but well worth a try it you are one of the many who suffers from the symptoms of snoring.

The bedroom is the place where snoring take place most often - unless the snorer has been thrown out onto the sofa in the living room! Pillows are something you can adjust to reduce or even stop snoring. The head needs to be elevated while sleeping. By adding pillows or using thick pillows this will raise the head. Try to adjust the level to get the optimum effectiveness. If this doesn't work, try raising or lowering the head position slightly for another night. This then will ultimately prove whether this will works for you. Sleeping on your side rather than on your back should also reduce or stop snoring. Two simple methods are now given to you to try out tonight.

Snoring Cures - Cheap Tips Without BillsAnother tip to stop snoring is something that really works but you have make a sacrifice. It really depends on how serious you are about trying to solve the snoring problem. The advice is simple, reduce or cut out the amount of alcohol that you consume, this applies especially just before you go to bed. Do you take sleeping pills, tranquillisers or antihistamines before bedtime? Try to give them a miss these actually prevent muscles from relaxing and cause the air passage to be constrained - result snoring! Give it a go it may work for you.

Another tip is not to consume dairy products prior to your path to bed. They have been proven to cause a build up of mucus, this will in turn result in more profound snoring. If you have to have a drink before bedtime, there is nothing better than a glass of water to drink. Water is so underrated and basically free.

Snoring Cures - Cheap Tips Without BillsThere are a million and one tips from various schools of thought that claim to stop snoring, it is big business and industry that caters to the millions of snoring sufferers all over the world. Expensive pills, extortionate bills presented from many professional consultants that offer snore cures are spread across the lands, and still with no guarantee. The best tip is to experiment with all the free advice you comes your way. This blog may well be your starting block. Then, settle for the one that best suits your needs, as it is a scientific way to go about it and the best and cheapest way. The end to your snoring problems possibly needn't be a problem for much longer.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Job Interview Tips

Job Interview TipsMaking sure you get a job is all about the job interview. The fact that you have got an interview in the first instance means that the company is interested in what you can offer them. No employer in their right mind would go to the trouble of interviewing someone who didn't fit into their criteria.

The time spent at an interview is the most important; it could affect your career and future. It is very important that you give the best impression of yourself. You and the interviewer are there to decide if you fit the job and to see whether the Company and you are a good match. Honesty is essential as if you are successful you need to know that you got the job for all the right reasons.

Job Interview TipsI have outlined some suggestions that will help you to make the most of interview opportunities. They may seem a little obvious in places, but all these points contribute to a successful interview.

You need to do some background work, as you will definitely be asked about the company.

  • Tell me what you know about our Company?
  • What are you ambitions in life?
  • In your last job role what did you learn?
  • What are your major weaknesses?
  • Can you to relocate if necessary?
  • Look forward 5 years, where do you see yourself then?
  • What is the best way to manage you?
  • What interests you about our product/service?
  • Could I obtain references' on your past work experience if needed?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What have you achieved to date?
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • Why are you leaving your present job?
  • What do you understand by the meaning of teamwork?

Job Interview TipsThe secret is to answer all these questions and have them all clear in you mind BEFORE the interview. You will then be able to answer the clearly, confidently and a considerable amount of stress will have been removed. If you do this you will perform well in the interview.

The interviewer will also be looking at negative as well as the positive points. You can insure that this is kept to a minimum by making sure these points are avoided.

  • Don’t do any research about the company.
  • Present yourself poorly.
  • Make excuses about poor career moves and decisions.
  • Don't express yourself clearly or mumble.
  • Come over in a disinterested manner as to what the interviewer is saying.
  • Not to look the interviewer in the eye, and give a weak handshake.
  • Not to be overbearing on the money factor, i.e. salary, bonuses etc.
  • Act in an immature way.
  • 'Put down' your previous employers.

With all this in mind you can't fail to impress your interviewer and give yourself the best chance to succeed where other will fail. Don’t forget, job interviews are also about whether you feel that the company is for you. It works both ways.

I hope you get the job. Good Luck!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Teabags Forever - Nearly

Teabags Forever - NearlyIt was the film Colditz that brought the idea of making a tea leaves go long way. Because tea leaves were like gold dust in the prisoner of war camp. The tea leaves were infused and strained many times to make multiple serving of tea. It got weaker each time the tea was made, but after each subsequent brew they lengthened the time of steeping.

Teabags Forever - NearlyThe reuse of tea leaves isn't just at war times, my mother used to do it at home as she liked a weak tea. She often made four or five cups out of one teabag. Even today here in the Yambol home Baba makes at least 7 - 10 brews from her linden tea flowers.

The whole point is, it just seems to me a major waste of using a teabag and throwing it away when there are certainly more brew that you can get out of that bag. I have been using PG Tips here for three years and my supply is only now depleted because guests used loads and didn't replace them. PG Tips teabags are far too strong for one cup of tea. It only needs to be steeped for a few seconds and you have a strong cup of tea. Teabags Forever - NearlyTo me not using that teabag again plays on my conscience and leads me to putting it to one side and getting at least another 3 -4 cups of tea out of it at a later date.

Once the bag has been used I leave it on a saucer too cool. Then put it in the fridge if I intend to have another cup later that day. The secret is to squeeze most of the tea out of the teabag before storing. If I know more than a day will pass without making another cup of tea I will put that teabag in the freezer. There it will keep for months and can be brought 20 minutes before another brew is made.

Teabags Forever - NearlyJust think, if you make 4 cups of tea out of one tea bag you will be saving 75% of your costs on teabags. Spread that out over a year and the money saved will hit you between the eyes! Not only that, but the tea leaves that have been totally exhausted will be much better for putting into your compost heap or directly into your garden.

To many this may be a very small thing and not worth the effort, but that is only because of what society teaches as an appreciative role that we now all have to make in terms of wastage and recycling. Every bit counts, if you don't who will?

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