Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Teabags Forever - Nearly

Teabags Forever - NearlyIt was the film Colditz that brought the idea of making a tea leaves go long way. Because tea leaves were like gold dust in the prisoner of war camp. The tea leaves were infused and strained many times to make multiple serving of tea. It got weaker each time the tea was made, but after each subsequent brew they lengthened the time of steeping.

Teabags Forever - NearlyThe reuse of tea leaves isn't just at war times, my mother used to do it at home as she liked a weak tea. She often made four or five cups out of one teabag. Even today here in the Yambol home Baba makes at least 7 - 10 brews from her linden tea flowers.

The whole point is, it just seems to me a major waste of using a teabag and throwing it away when there are certainly more brew that you can get out of that bag. I have been using PG Tips here for three years and my supply is only now depleted because guests used loads and didn't replace them. PG Tips teabags are far too strong for one cup of tea. It only needs to be steeped for a few seconds and you have a strong cup of tea. Teabags Forever - NearlyTo me not using that teabag again plays on my conscience and leads me to putting it to one side and getting at least another 3 -4 cups of tea out of it at a later date.

Once the bag has been used I leave it on a saucer too cool. Then put it in the fridge if I intend to have another cup later that day. The secret is to squeeze most of the tea out of the teabag before storing. If I know more than a day will pass without making another cup of tea I will put that teabag in the freezer. There it will keep for months and can be brought 20 minutes before another brew is made.

Teabags Forever - NearlyJust think, if you make 4 cups of tea out of one tea bag you will be saving 75% of your costs on teabags. Spread that out over a year and the money saved will hit you between the eyes! Not only that, but the tea leaves that have been totally exhausted will be much better for putting into your compost heap or directly into your garden.

To many this may be a very small thing and not worth the effort, but that is only because of what society teaches as an appreciative role that we now all have to make in terms of wastage and recycling. Every bit counts, if you don't who will?



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