Whole grain breads are said to be very healthy for you, filled with whole grains it is a more satisfied eat. You will get the most out of the calories you consume. but colour is not an label to say it is wholegrain. Don’t get conned and buy bread based solely on its colour, it doesn’t mean it contains whole grains.
Many types of bread are just coloured with food colourings to make them look healthier. Reading the label before purchasing is the wisest step to ensure what type of bread it is. Look and read what the very first ingredient listed is, this will be the main ingredient, the flour. This will tell about how healthy the bread actually is. A very good tip is to avoid breads that have a very long list of ingredients, the more ingredients the less healthy it is.

If you can only afford inexpensive white loaves, there is a simple answer, make sure you are aware of how much you consume each day. Don’t fall into the trap of overeating, especially when you are trying to eat a sensibly diet.
Baking your own bread is the best method, it is cost effective and you know what's in it as you can choose the healthy ingredients that you select. Homemade bread provides the perfect platform for your diet and the cost and quality both stand out.

Whatever bread you get the secret of dieting is simple, less calories and more exercise but you can enhance your health by eating bread that is better for you and do it on a budget rather than falling into the expensive trap of buying 'designer' bread that claims to have miracle ingredients to aid your diet. The only miracle you should really believe in is your own knowledge and insight as to what constitutes a good healthy bread and how it you should eat.
