Monday, 6 April 2009

How To Avoid RSI From PC Mouse Use

Wheel mouse

Long spells on your PC and the use of a mouse can lead to serious physical problems repetitive strain action (RSI) hands and wrists. Tips here are given to lower the risks of this this happening to you.

* Learn to change hands when using the mouse. This will give your normal hand a rest hand. You may wish to get another mouse installed on the opposite side of the keyboard to save you repeated moving the exisiting mouse.

* There are many different types and styles of mice around. Try and get a few varyign styles of mice and use different mice on different days. The position of the fingers and wrist will vary and will help to break the same posture of repetitive motion that is made with using one type of mouse.

* If you have existing problem with pain in your wrist there are special ergonomic mice or alternative devices that operate differently and use varied actions. By using a variety of specific on a round robin basis your symptoms should improve. This variety of devices will maximise the resting time from the motion that is causing your specific RSI problem.

* It is a good idea to consider using a graphics tablet, tablet PC, Contour Roller mouse or even touch screen monitors. If you use these in conjunction with a ergonomic mouse you will eliminate any problems.

*There is another alternative in the pipeline, the microsoft surface or the 3d motion sensor camera by 3DV Systems. Although aimed at the gaming market is may be adapted for the general PC market in the future if the demand is there.

* The last piece of advice is to take lots of breaks. Why now use the keyboard as an alternative to the mouse on occasions and whilst waiting for downloads do some wrist rotation execises. All these will aid the health of your wrists and relieve the constant repetitive action that bring on pain from RSI.

Image via Wikipedia
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