It is big news in the USA with pig flu and there has been issued some tips on how to reduce the risk of catching the virus. This advice is also good for other flu viruses going around although not going to school or work is of an extreme action to take if not pig flu.
Prevention Tips for Swine Flu
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there are everyday actions that people can take to prevent contracting swine flu.
*Make sure to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
*Wash your hands often and thoroughly. Alchohol-based hand sanitizers are also effective.
*Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth to avoid the spread of germs.
*If you think you are getting sick, don't ignore your symptoms. You should see your doctor.
*Also limit your contact with others by staying home from work or school.
clipped from ozarksfirst.com Image via Wikipedia |