Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Tips On How To Get Better Grades In Exams

Our computers
Exam time is here and every little helps when revising or getting ready for the tests. It was a terrible time for me when I was a kid, I wasn't too bright and had a deep fear of exams. Directly the warmer weather was here the fear struck and even now at 50+ years old the association with warm weather and exams still hits out every year.

Revising was basically reading books when I was young. There was not other options other than that. No internet, videos or other multi-sensory learning options around at the time. Today things are different and learning is far more fun than it used to be. An in thing right now is having a go at a quiz to revise. What a fun way to hep you remember things this way.

The big learning tool in all online right now including online testing. You can find out how well you are going to do in exams by testing yourself online. In addition there are many ways where you can improve you study skills as information on study skills is widely available online.

If only I was a kid right now I'd really enjoy revising for exams and not a a related fear of warm weather. Oh well! The tip by the way is to use online resources to help you revise for exams, if you don't you will certainly miss out on getting higher grades at the end of the day.
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Saturday, 10 April 2010

Lonely With No Love? - A Simple Tip To Solve It

If you are a lonely person and need a partner to share your life with the options nowadays online are numerous for getting out of that lonely rut. There is no excuse for not trying to solve that problem in a quick and easy way by dating online. This is the way forward today in finding someone who is looking for the same thing. So the tip is to just get up and do it on a site that can potentially bring you eventual happiness for the rest of your life. is a comprehensive international dating site that has everything you need to find the partner you are looking for. There a thousands of dating sites around but not many give you tens of thousands of registered profiles on their books, advice on dating, online dating news, dating book reviews, free sign up and browsers, trivia. .love poems and even a love quiz. It is the complete package for finding you true love age or gender or sexuality never an issue there is always someone that will be compatible with you.

The saying goes "True love awaits, but only to those who seek it." This is so true and remains the best tip anyone can get in finding your own  true love. With In essence it is a free, fully supported dating site with thousands of registered members looking for love. It includes a messenger service with upload of photographs and videos provided. Many members have found exactly what they were looking for with this dating site and with full online support many other will as well.
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Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Tips On How To Drink Responsibly

Kranz (Wreath) of Kölsch
Beer is the world most favourite drink, you can buy it anywhere. The advertising networks of beer manufacturers have done a great job in getting a public to buy and drink beer. They make it fashionable and trendy and in the main this is not a big problem, but is can be if taken to excess.

Drinking in minimal quantities is fine as a social habit, but drinking more than is safe is a liability to you and others in social situations. Alcoholism is an illness that lurks around the corner for many. To avoid alcohol addiction it is best to drink in small quantities and knowing when to stop. Here are a few tip on how to drink responsibly.

  • Simply the best way to drink beer responsibly is to drink it at home. Why? Because this will get rid of the danger that is associated with driving or getting into a confrontations.
  • If you have consumed beer simply don't even consider driving. It is not only illegal, but also dangerous. If you need to get somewhere just walk or have someone who hasn't drunk take you.
  • If you have been drinking away from home give your car keys to a friend, a designated driver or telephone someone to pick you up, well worth paying for a taxi rather than risk lives.
  • Don't leave your drink in an unattended in a public place as someone could easily place a substance in your drink. If you get up to dance or go to the toilet order a new glass of beer when you return or take your drink with you.
  • Consider not having a drink at all and opt for non alcoholic drinks. There are thousands of quality drinks that don't contain alcohol, why not give them a go? This of course includes non alcoholic beers.

In the UK an individual must be 18 years of age to purchase and/or legally consume beer. When purchasing alcohol sometimes some form of photo identification is required if the shopkeeper doubts the age of the customer. This can be in the form of a driver’s license or other similar form of identification, which has a photo and birth date of the customer.

Alcoholism is a disease that often requires professional medical care, which is why proper treatment is critical to its cure. So if you know someone who may need help and support you can have a word in their ear about attending a local treatment centre which is free.
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Seek Advice From Friends And Online Technology For The Best Deals

PHS Japan 1997-2003 (Willcom, NTT DoCoMo, ASTEL)
It is funny how sometimes you learn things without even having to try. Just by talking to people and listening to their experiences is one of the best ways to learn many things and they don't necessarily have to be older to be wiser. This is exactly what happen to me last week when I called up my niece in the UK.

My niece is a funny girl 20 years younger than me but has a wealth of knowledge well beyond me and many other family members. What is excels in is making end meet financially. I don't' think I know anyone who is as prudent as she is, the man she married is a lucky man with the savings and economies she makes in the home.

I often ask her for advice on how to save on internet bills and other utilities and I know her answers are always going to make sense. This was asked last week and she admitted that she herself took advice from a website when she wanted to know about cell phone plans for a friend. She admitted that even her knowledge on the best deals and plans she could not keep up to date on the best cell phone plans and on top of new offers and products that come along each month. She ended up recommending Sprint which gave the best deal to fit her friend's requirements.

Needless to say the advice she gives is always impartial and she will go away think about things and come back with here considered opinion of what is best - now with the aid of online support it seems and why not?

The tip here really is to make use of online technology to help you make decisions of buying goods and services alongside talking to friends and family who will no doubt have their own opinions on what is best for you. 

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Teach Children Swimming Young - It's Lifetime Skill

Yen in Swimming lesson
I never learnt to swim until I was 10 years old and will never forget the fear of water I had up until that time. The tip here is to teach your child to swim at the earliest age.

The best start for any child to have infant swimming lessons. Water safety is a very important life skill and is of course a lifelong skill that will never be forgot. It has been fashionable and sensible alongside, which is unusual to bring your baby up with swimming. This is a great idea and the fear of water never enters a child't mind from there on.

You can get a baby swim kit nowadays very easily form many stores and alongside a swim nappy, a towel you are set up. The rule is to take your baby to the water as many times possible and the length of time in the water you will know as the baby will let you know by getting bored.

You can start your baby off from the age of 2 months. Wait at least two hours after he or she has eaten. The swim nappy comes into its own and the packet is easily disposed of afterwards. Young children will automatically hold their breath underwater, which stops water to get into their lungs so you needn't worry about that up until they are about 6 months old.

A good practice is blowing on your child's face hard this will actually stop their breathing prior to a ducking with you preferably. Movement is the water is fun for your baby as long as you follow the comfort zone with your baby. This can be assessed by holding his or her body with both your hands. You will know instinctively what is comfortable and what is not that way. Using floating devices is a good idea as long as the child doesn't become dependent on it.

At the end of the day you shouldn't force your child to do anything that gives undue stress. With the constant access to water your child will develop a skill that many adults nowadays don't have the benefit of and of course a lifesaving skill. In addition they will also have a healthy regime with swimming, a hobby that is way underrated as a form of fitness.
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7 Tips On How To Improve Your Photographs

Digital Camera 1
I am a keen photographer, no expert though, but I see many other people's photographs and see where they are going wrong so I have come up with 10 tips on how to improve your photographic skills and all very simple to take on board.

  • Blurry photographs are common, one way to solve this problem is to hold the camera steady when clicking. A simple remedy that many don't use. If you use both hands and relax your blurry images will decrease.
  • Can't see the faces of people when the sun is shining or screwed up faces with the sun shining in people's eye? Simply take the shot with the sun sidewards on or use a flash is the sun is behind them.
  • I've lost count how many time I have seen pictures that show people that are too far away. Get closer or use the close up if you have it on your camera. You dint' need to see the whole of people's body, the face is the main focus on portraits so focus on that and you will improve the interest in the shots.
  • Landscapes are fine, but sometimes a landscape needs a little more interest in it, so include a person within the scene. It will liven up the picture that would otherwise be quite boring.
  • Don't just take picture in good weather, bad weather is far more exciting and give great atmosphere.
  • Don't try and fit everything into the photograph, look for details of a scene and focus on that. In a crown of people, if you look carefully each person or little group will have far more photographic potential than the whole crowd.
  • A little pause before clicking will help you to be absolutely clear about what picture you want to take. Too many clicks are made without any thought about composition. I suppose that the digital camera speaking. If you just imagine you have an old film camera in your hand then you will improve your photography by not wanting to waste film. This is a good trick to help you take thoughtful pictures which will be guaranteed turn out better.
With these simple tips you will be a better photographer and get more enjoyment from the results. You will be deleting less and have more requests from friends for copies of the photographs you have taken making you more popular!

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Saturday, 3 April 2010

Are You A Wordpress Blogger?

Image representing WordPress as depicted in Cr...
I am a blogger and use Blogger templates to blog with. It was a choice between Blogger and Wordpress when I first started out, I think it was just that I visited the Blogger site that made me choose this format in blogging. There are hundreds of templates designed for both Blogger and Wordpress and the tip is for Wordpress users in this case.

If you are a Wordpress user then there is a great site out there for the The Best Free Wordpress Themes For Download. It is simply a site that has a great collection of Wordpress gallery for bloggers that is absolutely free. They are all easy to download wordpress without any need to login or register. A plethora of templates without login or any hassle.

Looks like Blogger templates are second best looking at the some of the free templates on offer. Perhaps Wordpress over Blogger is a tip I should have taken four years ago.

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Chewing Gum - How Yo Get It Out Of Material and Hair

I used to hate chewing gum, seeing someone chew gave a bad impression. However chewing gum is actually a healthy activity and apart from choking on it (mind you you can choke on any food anyway) the only problem is the stuff getting stuck in the most annoying places. Here is a tip on how to get it removed.

To many chewing gum stuck on materials impossible to get off, this is partly right, I will explain. When chewing gum is is warm removing the chewing gum from a rug, carpets or other fabrics is a task too far; you need to harden it up before tackling it. By far the easiest way is to use ice cubes. Simply stroke an ice cube on the gum until it gets hard. enough. If the chewing gum is on a fabric that is small enough, i.e. clothing. You can then put the whole thing in the freezer until the gum has hardened.

It is still hard work to remove the chewing gum but certainly not a task too far. You may lose a few fibres form the item it was stuck to but salvageable with the ice treatment. If you take your time scraping it off you can get away will limited damage, so slow working is advised. You can always used another ice cube or another spell in the freezer if the chewing gum softens with the time spent on task.

If the gum is stuck in your or someone else's hair then the freezing method isn't a good idea. There is an alternative. Use a little cooking oil and rub it into the gum and hair area. Once applied and covered using a comb gently work the gum out by combing. Be gentle otherwise it can be quite painful.

The biggest tip though is to only use chewing gum for chewing and dispose of sensible. With Wrigleys chewing gum I always used to save the foil and wrap it in that before putting it in the bin.
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