Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Dosh for U - Finding Ways to Make Extra Money

I found this fascinating quote today:

This site isn't about getting rich quick but is a simple source of information where you can earn money and warn you off scams. I have been a member of Hits4Pay for over six months now and it is another piece of the jigsaw where money is coming in. Many bloggers make money this way by having lots of little earners going at once.Dosh for U - Finding Ways to Make Extra Money, Mar 2009

You should read the whole article.

Wholesale Clothing - A Cheaper Option

Here's a tip on how to get the most up to date fashion at the lowest prices. If faced with two identical fashion items and one is cheaper than the other, what person in their right mind wouldn't go for the cheaper option? I've found a company that offers just that - All the latest in fashion apparel for below wholesale prices!

WholesaleFashionSquare.com is offering quality branded wholesale apparel. The range of styles includes a number of skirts, dresses, pants, jeans, activewear, sweaters, jackets and a great range of jewelry fashion. there are even more discounts that are offered on wholesale tops, which include camisoles, tank tops, halter tops, t-shirts, tube tops and blouses. There is also an unparelleled range of wholesale jeans with a big variety of tops, sweaters, jackets, pants, jeans, skirts and dresses.

There is free shipping on the wholesale clothing offered for US customers for orders over $300 and they are Paypay registered so payment is secure and safe. Having browsed through their website you can't fail to be inpressed with the range of clothing and the prices that are on offer. I for one will never shop in high streets for fashion when sites like these are available.
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Voice Broadcasting - A Great Time Saver

Okay you need to telephone 100 people to let them know that there is an event they have to attend, or even an even tthat has been cancelled for some reason. How long would it take you to call 100 telephone numbers with the same message? Hours! Well he's a tip on how to get over that problem.

Voice Broadcasting is a service that is now offered to sovlve this problem. It lets the user send numerous tlephone calls on the web within a split second. This has a worldwide coverage and is ideal for messages, surveys, personal reminders notifications, reminders, political calls or even product updates.

So if you have to telephone lots of people this is a very good option to take out and of course the time and money you save would be invaluable and an ideal facility for clubs and organisations.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Wrinkle Cream Reviews - What's Best For You?

Wrinkles come to us all and there are many people who have this constant worry about them and always on a quest to find out the best solution the problem. Ageing and wrinkles is a natural partner and there is no avoiding it if left unattended.

There is something you can do about it. In this day and age technology is and science has made leaps and bounds in many areas. A big chunk of that technology is with cosmetic improvements that can make the difference on how you feel about you looks. Wrinkles can now be treated and there are many cures that claim success in this area.

Finding the best wrinkle cream is always going to be a challenge, there are so many treatments that use cream that it becomes a jungle to sieve through the choice that are no available. What is needed is are wrinkle cream reviews that can give a clear picture and description showing the claims these creams make and what they can do for you.

The best wrinkle cream reviews allows consumers to post their real experiences and offers valuable information helping users make a clear choice. The site easy to navigate and not cluttered with "spammy" reviews. And not least it offers insight through articles based on wrinkle cream topics nominating which products are the best.

Ageing is something that we all have to go through but wrinkles can become less of a worry if you choose the right product to treat it. So the tip is to check out the best wrinkle cream that will suit you will the chance to make yourself look younger than you actually are.
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Thursday, 26 March 2009

Emerge Labs OrganicSkinCare.com

I look around at other people my age and think how lucky I am to have such lovely skin. I am over 50 years old and hardly any wrinkles at all. I wonder how long it can last without any cosmetic help.

For others ageing skin can be a problem, but there is help out there with new technology mixed in with natural organic ingredients to keep your skin in good condition and prevent premature ageing.

There is no other organic skin care product that can compare right now to Emerge Labs Organic Skin Care. they offer a comprehensive system of organic skin care that is high performance and 100% organic using the latest in Plant Extracts, Bio-Peptide and Plant Stem Cells Technology. Anything else other than natural ingredients would not be advertised here and combined with science has to give natural beauty back.

Tips for good looking skin cetnres aroudn many things and this product may help alongside healthy living to retain youthful skin.
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Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Russian Roulette With Junk Food

An arrangement of fruits commonly thought of a...

Do you really need a gun held against your head to stop eating junk food? Apparently so according to many statistics and increasing profits from business from junk food manufacturers. Junk food diets are still increasing and being consumed at an alarming rate even with a recession and a population with deep pockets and short hands. This doesn't stop the junk food drug to junk food junkies as it is comfort zone for many making things even worse. It really is a game of Russian roulette eating this food, no wonder they call it junk!

Simply don't buy junk food or at the very least, buy as little as possible. Junk food is far more expensive than conventional wholesome foods, but that's not the end of it. Junk food costs lots of money and it has very little nutrition.

Let's take it one step further. Junk food makes you and your loved ones obese ill increasing the chances of many diseases, increased doctor and hospital bills and eventually kills you. You will even have to pay out more for a bigger coffin and more carriers to transport it to your grave. If that isn't enough, you will die lining junk food producers pockets!

Opt for fruits and vegetable instead, there is nothing in the food world better for you and your family and at a fraction of the cost. Just think of the health of your children and what risks you are putting them at giving them anything other than healthy food. Surely this makes even more sense.

That's all I need say on the matter. the ball is in your court!
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A Quick Notebook Laptop Tip For Buying

Notebook laptops seem to be getting cheaper and cheaper and in view of me wanting to get my own laptop replaced by a new one, when do you decide to buy? Do you hang on until it gets even cheaper or buy now?

I always remember a wise old head telling me to buy the fastest and most powerful machine you can afford as this will last longer than a slower machine that will become dated very quickly. So true in a way, but this tip will only really apply to those whose demand from a Notebook is far greater than mine. All I need one for is for word processing, emailing and blogging. Why would I need a state of the art, top whack Notebook just for that?

So the tip is to buy a Notebook laptop that suits your needs. There are two good reason to buy now though. 1 - Notebook laptops have never been cheaper and 2 - With a recession the buying market is so weak that businesses are crying out for sales and will make great offers that otherwise wouldn't be there.
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Tuesday, 24 March 2009

An All Round Health And Lifestyle Kit

Tips of healthy living are far and wide, but here is a package that seems to have it all covered. It gives all round advice and information, from what you should eat and drink to lifestyle habit and many other areas as well. If I didn't think it was any good I certainly wouldn't be posting this.

Any sensible product that give the customer an opportunity to give themselves a better and more healthy life has to be good. The product is is called the Maximum Living Package and includes everything you need to instantly create a healthier lifestyle. The kit comes complete with the following:
  • Eat, Drink and Be Healthy 8-disc CD set
  • Healthy Country Cooking cookbook
  • Maximum Age Reversal book
  • Top Ten Foods Never to Eat DVD
  • Maximum Energy Health and Fitness – Volume 1 DVD
  • Health Strategies DVD series

Improving your health is guaranteed here as you will learn about the the do's and don'ts of weight loss, be given winning choices for your health and double your energy and output levels. Be shown how to simplify the supermarket safaris and explore foods that miraculously heal. Food choices including facts and myths are answered with most frequently asked questions shown.

Maximum Health
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Sunday, 22 March 2009

Entrecard - Good Or Bad?

Entrecard is a great idea and growing, but it not for everyone. It seem that many leave Entrecard after a trial period mainly because they feel that the time spent on it doesn't justify the rewards they get. You really have to think what you want to use it for before you commit major amounts of time dropping for credits. And yes I do agree, it does take lots of time out of your day with dropping.

I have been with the Entrecard communities for quite a while now and am still divided as to how much time I dedicate to it. I have a few Pay Per Post sites that need traffic to be 'bumped' up and this is where I use it most. Having said that, big numbers of bouncing traffic is a worry as Google will catch on that you are 'faking' traffic and will subsequently, take away brownie points if done to excess. My strategy is not to use the full compliment of dropped given, that way the mix with 'genuine' traffic won't stick out like a sore thumb to Google and my PR. So be well aware that bumping up your traffic solely from Entrecard drops is indeed a false economy.

It's a good place to make friends and get to know other bloggers who have things in common with you. Many if not most of my fellow blogging friends were made through Entrecard and even though some subsequently have left the community, we still communicate and comment on each other's blogs. Entrecard used in this way will be enjoyed by many.

Using Entrecard to make money from the credits earned is hard work. Again the amount of time spent building up credits to many will be a full time job. If you have a PC or Laptop that is dated year or two the time to download take ages, but of course you can work offline whilst waiting.

Entrecard has its critics, amd even more now that it is an open house to advertising from thir parties. Having said that, tell me a blogging resource and traffic generator that doesn't. You can take it or leave it as they say it is a matter of opinion and many bloggers who choose not to use it aren't really concerned about traffic numbers and generally are in the blogging game for fun not money. On tho other hand those who want to make a bit of dosh out of blogging stick with it and the dropping is treated like work rather that fun as the motive is more traffic to generate more leverage for money.

Whatever you feel about it, using sites like this gives you publicity, back links of course and this brings in more traffic anyway whether you spend time dropping or not. A 125 x 125 widget doesn't take up that much space anyway so my personal view is to just live on the fringe of the community and you will get some traffic out of it.
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Friday, 20 March 2009

Looking Back - Good Or Bad?

Back to the Old School album cover

I tip I often give myself if not to dwell in the past too often, there is too much in life to look forward to, beside which you can't do much about the past but you can for the future. Looking back I often learn from things I should have done, in essence a reflective life and an every increasing knowledge base as to what is right and what is wrong.

I have had many different jobs since leaving high school, starting working in the Post Office through to qualifying and teaching in English Primary Schools. I have been married twice and have four great children and now live in Bulgaria on a smallholding. Who would have ever thought that could happen when I left school at 17 years of age?

Now at 50 years old I have been tempted to take part in high school reunions, but have never got around to doing so. I don't think that is something for me, but others may be different. Again my view of looking forward rather than back comes into play and that the tip I always take.
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Practically Designed Workspace - Enhancing Businesses

Tips for business are endless from cost saving, improving profits and looking at many ways of improving performance is all part of the jigsaw of success. Business has to look at the whole set up and be as practical as possible and that includes the practical use of space and fixtures and fittings in the working environment.

Most businesses would not have experts in their employ that have an experienced knowledge of making the most out of the workspace. With this in mind getting a company that specialise in the design of workbenches, laboratory furniture, workstations and many other genres of working outfits is a good step to take.

Practically designed Workspace - Enhancing BusinessesFormaspace give a service that includes free design, quick Delivery and a most attractive price as the products are direct from the factory. The design and manufacture of custom technical furniture, accessories and services must be looked at within most industries as this will make the working more efficient and more pleasant to work in. Happy workers in elegantly designed and practical working environments have to be a benefit to any business.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Skin Care From Raw Food

A raw vegan tomato sauce with olives, celery, ...

I have to admit I beautiful skin even though I am a bloke and do much manual work in the garden. My skin improves even further in the spring through to the autumn and I'm sure it is to do with all the garden fruit and vegetables I eat, which are organic and raw. I am lucky and don't use any skin care products with this diet.

Tips on health and skin care come from all angles. There are wads of advice that claim miracles that improve you skin care, but there is only one real way to have natural health skin and that is by using natural products as I have found out.

Today natural skin care can be made and maintained by using natural ways. the process using a Raw Food Diet has been proven successful by many who have used this form of skin care. The testimonials themselves give a most positive response to people who have taken this form of skin care. It is no surprise that using natural food that is not tampered with and uncooked retains all the natural elements to giving health skin and that the secret.

Looking at the site's author, she has a new book coming out next month which tells all about the raw food diet and the way it can keep you skin in prime condition in the most natural way.

If you feel that your skin needs some revitalisation and you want to use a non chemical based diet to do this, there is no better way that the raw food diet and the site and the book give the run down on this.
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Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Cheap Quick Divorces Now Online

Divorce has a bad history, it's expensive, complicated and the only winners are solicitors, but it needn't be Divorce-Online.co.uk is the UK’s leading low cost online divorce service specialising in uncontested divorce and other family law related services.

The company and services are now 10 years old giving a low cost and affordable divorce solutions to couples who want to avoid incredibly high rates charged by high street solicitors.

The trend is that there is a continued increase in couples whose relationships have broken down and want low cost alternatives to the old ways of using traditional lawyers.

Although they are based in the UK they work with clients on a worldwide basis in fact 10% of theri client are expatriates. With weekday orders placed before 4pm on their way to customers the next day and provide them with an unrivalled level of service.

DIY divorce from £68.00

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Another Search Engine Option With Benefits

Most people I know use Google as their main search engine online, I do myself, but there are other options available with even more useful search facilities and get into corners that Google sometimes misses.

Amongst the many other search engines that are around I came across AAfter, they have a cash back facility, which unique for those who would like to buy some product online. All products purchased give a certain percentage of the product price as cash back, which ends up with you the user, even after discount form the manufacturer.

Looking for local businesses online? AAfter is the fastest search engine for local businesses. If you type in the store name, then go into on the ‘local business’ link, you will have what you want within seconds, again much faster than other popular search engines.

There are many other features too many to mention here including a IP Geo Location Search, but you'll have to go into the site to get the benefits. As a whole Aafter saves you time and money and that a tip worth knowing.
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Sickness and Death - Think About It

Being such a health man, the last thing on my mind is being ill. I am now over 50 years old and still fit and nimble why should I worry about health at this point. Well it's not me I see but others who aren't as lucky.

When I look around there are lots of ill and sick people much younger than me and what make things worse is when they do become sick they just can't afford the medical cost incurred with being ill. the only way out of this money trap for health care is insurance. there are many insurance companies about with various policies covering a range of area such as health. life and medical care.

It is wise to use a company that has everything under one umbrella. to cover inpatient hospitalisation services you can complete California Medicare Part A for free. There are conditions of having worked for a period, but this offer may still apply to you.

California Short Term Health Insurance is another area where you should consider what happens to your dependants is your illness is followed by death, yes we have to die at some point. It is something everyone has to think about. California Life Insurance Quote is readily available and can put your mind at rest with premiums you may well be surprised at.

I have health care and I have life insurance and have not had to use it, but you never know what is round the corner.
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Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Have A New Looking Kitchen Forever

New KitchenImage by Alice J-T via Flickr

A new kitchen is just great, spotless, bright and a pleasure to work in, but how do you keep it looking new? There are some tips here that you can use to keep you kitchen and appliances in pristine condition or make your older kitchen come back to life.

Stubborn water stains from a stainless sinks can be rid of with a cloth dampened with a little alcohol. Other spots and stains on stainless steel surfaces can be eliminated with some vinegar on a cloth. It just needs a light wipe. If you rub stainless steel sinks with some lighter fluid it will get rid of any rust that is looming.

Take some soda and clean the counters with a soft cloth then rinse with water and dry off with a cloth. Using some baking soda clean your stainless steel sinks, it works very well and is easy to do.

Sparkling white porcelain sinks can be produced by placing a paper towel across the bottom of the sink and let it soak up some household bleach. If you leave it overnight and then rinse you will be amazed at the result. Warning: Don't use bleach in coloured sinks, just white ones.

For the fridge if you leave an open box of baking soda it will absorb odours. Change this once a month to continue working effectively. You can wipe the fridge with vinegar, this will stop mildew setting in.

A great secret now revealed is to put a few drops vanilla extract on a piece of cotton wool and put it in the fridge. This will get rid of smells and leave you fridge fresh.

Make sure the machine elements of your fridge are kept free from dust and dirt by using your vacuum on them once a month. Dirty coild will make the fridge less efficient

Finally, you can simply use car wax on large appliances this will make them shine and to remove small scratches.

With all these tips you have no reason to have a kitchen that looks new for years to come, nnot to mention the hygiene factor.
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Saturday, 14 March 2009

Buy The Best Bargains Recession Or Not

Everyone in this world loves good deals and bargains, even in a recession. In fact during a recession it is quite amazing what great deal you can pick up, this is the best time to buy if you are in a fortunate position of having a little disposal income.

Buying things when they are on offer or are at a lower price than elsewhere is the best tip you can get in shopping. To get a run down of many popular products that are on offer are right here right now. Browse through the TechBargains widget alongside at your leisure and see what you can save compared to other supplies and online shops. By the way, forget high street shops, they have too many overheads and put that on the price you pay. You just can't compete against online shopping prices, not to mention the convenience.

Not only does it offer you Hi Tech bargains but offer more on coupons and discounts form third parties. Nothing like networking to get you even more deal and better prices. At the end of the day you are going to save money and that is the most important factor in this day and age of financial crisis.

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Friday, 13 March 2009

Tumble Drier Bounce Sheets - Lots of Uses

Tumble Drier Bounce Sheets - Lots of UsesBounce, what do you thnk of when you see or hear that word? Get used to it as this is a product that seems to have endless amounts of uses other than it's orginal intention of being an addtion to your tumble drier.

Get rid of static electricity from your television monitor. Bounce is designed to get rid of static. If you wipe your monitor with a sheet of Bounce it will stop the dust from resettling. You don't even need a new sheet to get this affect, use one that has already been used.

The air in your home with smell fresher is you hang an individual sheet of Bounce in a wardrobe or cupbard. Ot you can lay one in a drawer.

Smelly shoes or slipper are a thing of the past if you put a sheet inhside overnight. Putting your shoes on int he morning won't be a chore as they'll smell great.

If you sew a Bounce sheet will stop threads from getting tangling. If you stroke a needle across a sheet of Bounce this will expell static cling on the thread before sewing.

Havent been on holiday for some time and your suitcases smell stale? Place an individual sheet of Bounce inside empty luggage.

If you have a shower and a shower door a Bounce sheet will dissolves soap scum that is left on. Again, use sheet of Bounce that has already been used.

It has uses in the car as it will freshening the air there if you put a sheet of Bounce under the front seat.

Bounce will also cleans hardened food from a cooking saucepan. Place a sheet on the pan, fill with water and leave it overnight. Then sponge it clean the follwing morning. It is the fabric softener agents that soften the baked-on food.

Wastebaskets will smell fresher if you place a sheet of Bounce at the bottom of it.

Static electricity found on venetian blinds will disappear is you wipe the blinds with a sheet of Bounce.

I'm sure you can think of many other uses now beyond what has been mentioned. But the final bit of advice is try and find an equivilant in house product just like Bounce and you will save money as well.
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A Natural Cure For Acne

A Natural Cure For AcneAcne is the scourge of teenagers, an antisocial and depressing symptom that thousands suffer from. Seemingly the best cure for Acne to date is to just put up with it and grow out of it. Sometimes that can take years even go on through into adulthood remain.

What tips can be given to solve this problem and what Acne Treatments is around that can cure this horrible illness, which is so common, yet so difficult to overcome? Well there is a product that uses a natural method to cure acne. The results to date form those who have used it are quite stunning. Out of 10 people who used the Natural Acne Treatment 9 reported clearer skin in just 14 days. Even more significant was that every single user of the product got result after 4 weeks said that they would recommend this product to a friend. This in itself give conclusive evidence that this natural product works.

With proof it works and the fact that is is based on natural products, anyone with an acne problem should try it out as obviously no cure has been found if they still it. The best tip is to give it a look it may well change you life and give you more confidence without this problem.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Tattoo Removal - Possible

Tattoo Removal - PossibleWhat puts most people off having tattoo is that they are there forever. Well to date that was exactly what I thought, but now I have seen a product for tattoo removal.

Having recently had a tattoo put on my arm and still feeling quite sore, it was with interest that this product that claims to effectively remove tattoos. I certainly don't want my tattoo removed, but many people who have had it done do. So, the tip is, if you have a tattoo that now you wish was not there it might well be worth looking at this tattoo remover.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Stuck For Money? - Your Car Can Help

Stuck for cash? Need money right away and can't get it because you have a bad credit rating or don't own your home? So many people are in that position today, but don't know that there are options out there that can being in some cash immediately. If you have a car, this is a possible answer to your problem.

You can use any vehicle you own whether it be a truck, car or van. The value has to be worth $5,000 or more to qualify. A cash loan is possible within in 1 hour if this is the case.

Using the Vehicle loan that is being offered, you are essentially using your vehicle as collateral, just like many loans made against property owned. It works on an appointment basis and you are guaranteed that the information you give is totally confidential and on a 100% secured site. There is also on offer special programmes for Classic and Vintage cars if yo are fortunate to own one of these types of vehicle.

For a Auto title loan you need to produce household bills and documents then once validated and approved give you an entitlement for an Auto pawn. Right back to 1994, TDF Credit has been successfully trading. They are a member of the prestigious 'Better Business Bureau' and have office locations throughout the whole of California. If you’ve been refused credit elsewhere or had goods repossessed or even been bankrupt they have provisions to overcome these inherent problems. Getting credit with an auto loan when all else fails is a simple process and may solve you dead end to credit problem.

E-Learning Driving Course Saves Lives

There are many things that cause road accidents. but the main cause if human error and lack of defensive driving. If we all took a more defensiveunnecessary accident could be avoided. attitude to our driving on the roads today, countless

There is something positive that you can do to become one of the safest drivers on the road. Online Traffic School is a group that specialises in and is the leader in driver improvement. Whether you drive for a living in the driving industry or just domestically shipping you family around there is a drier training school that is open to you giving a defensive driving course.

By the developing an e-learning environment where all drivers that take the course will improve their defensive driving skills they will then be able to apply much safer driving methods on the road.

The benefits a multi fold, saving you money on both insurance rates and costs with lowering the chance of an accident. But the most important benefit is that this course will save lives. Can you afford not to consider this course with that in mind?

Traffic School Online have all courses approved by all US States and Court Agencies for your county and ticket. there is also a guarantee that you will be completely satisfied and the course will have no impact your driving record.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Dogs And Cyclists Don't Mix

Dogs And Cyclists Don't MixBeing a keen cyclist, there is only one problem on the roads, apart from drivers - Dogs. They are unpredictable and the biggest hazard a cyclist has to contend with. How do you as a cyclist deal with it?

Using your hand pump as a beating batten is an option even though many 'animal lovers' of course would disapprove of as this is viewed as 'cruel' or 'It's not the dog's fault' - Bull! If a dog attacks you no one is going to tell me that I can't defend myself against a dog. It's not the dog's fault? It's the owners fault who should be heavily fined and do community service as they have neglected their duty as a responsible pet owner.

My favourite method is to squirt water at the dog from my drinking bottle, it's always at hand and dogs just don't like getting wet, that usually does the trick. The other method is to shout at the top of your voice in a aggressive manner - swearing is good, the dog will respond to an authoritative voice. A dog need to know who is in charge, they think in term of a leadership hierarchy and that is the secret of dealing with these animals. If you let the dog knows you are the boss. At all times you must give the impression of being confident even if you aren't.

Dogs And Cyclists Don't MixAt the end of the day dogs are cowards, they will not follow up a fight if they know they will lose, so you actions have to be more aggressive than they are. Staring out a dog also works well. The worse thing you can do is to try and cycle away at speed, you will never outrun a dog unless you are Lance Armstrong and once the dog over takes you then you're in trouble.

Finally. never turn you back to an aggressive dog, they will think they have the upper hand and go for the kill!

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