Okay you are reading this blog therefore I can only assume you are a blogger yourself. You must have an interest in blogging at the very least to be reading this so this blog post will interest you with the tip that is to be given.
A blog is a means of having your say to a wide audience of readers that may take an interest in what write. Even if they don’t and visit you site the chances are they will not only look at you post but the whole blog environment and that includes advertisements that are on your blog.
Even if you don’t’ intentionally put ads on your blog there is still advertising going on. For example your title is an advert for your blog post! The domain you use may be plugged somewhere albeit tucked away somewhere discrete on you home page. You just can’t get a way from advertising on a blog. Let’s face it you won’t get seen and read by anyone if you don’t advertise in any case.
So blog advertising is part and parcel of this constructive hobby or for many people vocation. So if you are blogging why not have the reward of advertising, not only for increased traffic that will want to see you blog, but also for paying for the overheads involved in Internet operations. How much do you pay each month for your Internet? How much for your weblog? Electric? You can make you blogging pay for all this by using your blog in advertising then you are more than likely earn money beyond your expenses which is spare to invest in more advertising if you wish. The first point of call is to advertise your blog on one of the biggest web directories dmoz. Then you can go for hundreds of others that are all free. They will give you traffic and therefore increase you chances of getting more advertising opportunities from third parties as well as other bloggers who will take a vested interest in being advertised on you now more popular blog.
Well the tip has been given and you can start next time you log on. The secret is to do a little but often.