Nature is a wonderful thing, but actually getting down and using nature is something that many people don’t do. Things that cost nothing are ignored and the marketing of product that tries and replaces nature’s goods has won.
An example is garlic; they pharmaceuticals have been selling garlic capsules that don’t give bad breath or a mouthwash, chewing gum or other chemical based remedies that get rid of garlic breath. This has been going on for years and now seems that this is the only alternative to garlic breath. Well that’s what they have led you to believe.
Garlic is great, but added with parsley you get the benefits of both of nature’s complimentary herbs. You eat garlic then eat parsley and your garlic breath disappears, all the benefits and no side effects! So why isn’t everyone doing this? What’s more they are both one of the easiest herbs to grow.
Many people avoid garlic solely because the think that it is anti-social. Again this is pushed in the media and no mention of parsley, as it is not in retail interests to let on. With parsley all your fears of garlic-breath fears that have been drummed into you will no longer hang around.
If you cook with garlic as an ingredient, add parsley to the dish, most would work together, i.e. salads, spaghetti bolognaise, etc. Try it; it really works!

Many people avoid garlic solely because the think that it is anti-social. Again this is pushed in the media and no mention of parsley, as it is not in retail interests to let on. With parsley all your fears of garlic-breath fears that have been drummed into you will no longer hang around.
If you cook with garlic as an ingredient, add parsley to the dish, most would work together, i.e. salads, spaghetti bolognaise, etc. Try it; it really works!
Image via Wikipedia