- Under inflated tyres add another 2% in fuel consumption, so keep you tyre pressures in check.
- Just don't drive when you have a short journey. Catalytic converters need to run for up to 10 kilometres to work effectively and you will be using a staggering 100% more fuel with a cold engine.
- Avoid sharp acceleration and sudden braking this will reduce CO2 emissions and save on fuel.
- When changing gears do so when you revs are running at a lower rate, say 2000 to 2500 rpm. This again save on fuel used.
- If you have air conditioning try using it less there are substantial saving on fuel when not in use.
- Carrying unnecessary baggage is more work for you engine to pull and burns more fuel. Empty you boot and just carry what you need.
- Get some company when driving, give people lifts to save them using their car. They will do the same for you and that's one less car on the road and obvious savings for all.
- Don't bother warming the engine up by leaving it running. Leaving you engine running for 30 minutes would be the equivalent of travelling around 6 kilometres.
- Check out your route before setting off. Unnecessary mileage by getting lost due to poor planning is a massive waste of fuel and CO2 emissions.
