Also, there are many people who want to lose weight, but really don't need to, it is just an unhealthy fashion they have fallen into.
Losing weight saves you money, as you don't spend as much on food. There is a very good reason why you shouldn't bother with all these 'diet' foods. Quite simply, it's just another scam to get you to spend stupid amounts of money on more 'junk food' with a diet label on!

As we are all shapes and sizes the best tips to start off with is to consult your doctor to get some guidance as to a suitable calorie limit for you before starting dieting.
If you don't have a lot of weight to lose, then there is no need to think anything other than cutting your calorie intake, simply eat less than you did before.
Don't cut more than a few hundred to the recommended required each day. The secret is to do it slowly and over an extended period.
If you do have hunger pangs, just find something to do or have a glass of water, just take you mind off of food.

More walking, jogging, cycling or other activates that get your heart muscles active and heartbeat raised is entirely down to you.
So there yhou have it, tip[s on how to lose weight and save money. Don't let anyone else fool you into thinking anything else or you'll pay for it!
