Many people, including myself love gardens, but countless people don't have one and have to rely on public and community gardens. So with this in mind, it is heart warming when someone does something or makes a gesture supporting public or community gardens. Fiskars Project Orange Thumb is a community gardening grant program and was created to do just this and is totally committed to funding public and community gardens to encourage, share and inspire creative expression within the local garden environment.
Think of what $1500 of gardening tools plus $800 of gardening related equipment could do to a community garden in your area. This is now being offered twenty time over from Fisker Project Orange Thumb to US and Canada based projects and four individual grants of $1000 gardening tools plus up to $1000 of gardening equipment to Australian based project.
The grant, which will give substantial funds is open to many groups that have community based garden or garden projects that are intended to add to the neighbourhood beautification. If you are a gardening group that you feel it is worthy of the grant such as a school, youth group, part of a community centre or club and and are based in the USA Canada or Australia, then this may well be just for you.
Only group applications are considered and you should be reminded that this is not a sweep stake or contest, but a grant based purely on merit. However, this will only be considered through a simple application that needs to be completed. (Click on the link above.) If you know of any group that may qualify to benefit from this, tell them about it. Tell your family and friends about it, they may know of a good cause where they are based.
Don't forget Fisker Project Orange Thumb is not just about enhancing existing projects but starting one up, so if there is a need in your area get an application in. Anyone who is interested in starting or maintaining an existing garden in their community is eligible to apply. You application needs to be sent in before the 17th February 2009, which is the deadline for submissions by electronic mail.
Spring is here soon, so get yout thinking caps on and your applications in, your project may well get the boost it needs to get off the ground.