You will have happiness, prosperity and fortune for as long as you have a bamboo plant in your house according to the Chinese. Even if you don't believe that, it is a lovely ornamental plant to have around.

You can make you own bamboo indoor plant very easily if you have access to a bamboo plant you can take cutting off to propagate.
There is no compost, fertiliser or other material needed other than water and stones. The method is to place the bamboo cane in a container and cover the roots with pebbles, stones or sand. Fill with water until and you have a ready made bamboo plant that needs very little maintenance.

So, right now you can save yourself a fortune, get your place looking better, add good karma to your home and lastly, but not least, have the satisfaction of having done something yourself rather than falling again to a consumer society that we are being forced to live every day of our lives.