One of the best surprises this year was getting an invitation to a wedding from a friend in Vermont, USA. I have know here for many years and she is finally getting hitched with here high school sweetheart. Unfortunately I can’t attend due to work commitments, but she has promised to send me a video of the event.
We often speak in skype and she tells me of the plans they have for the wedding. Being American they want the best they can afford for this event, after all it is a once in a lifetime happening and she want it to go perfectly.
They had decided to take one of the Vermont honeymoon packages that were on offer at a local hotel that caters for many Vermont weddings as she had tried them before with Family vacation Vermont style and was very impressed with the place.
Now Brenda is a fussy girl and she certainly wouldn’t settle for anything less than the best, so I’m sure her choice for here honeymoon is just right. She didn’t’ want to go abroad when there is just as good if not better faculties on her doorstep, besides which she is a country girl at heart.
I’m sure they will lived happily ever after and many I will get a chance to see them after they are married. It will be interesting to see the video.
And the tip? Well why go and travel thousands of miles for a honeymoon when there is usually the best in you local area. After all you don’t want to be too tired after a long travel on your honeymoon!