If only there was a decent locksmith in town, we could call then and they could wrangle a way in using their specialist equipment and expertise. But in Yambol we don't have such a luxury. It reminds me of locking my car key in the boot of my car and stuck in the middle of nowhere not being able to drive. I had to take the back seats out to gain access to the boot, if only there was a locksmith I could have called it would have been so much easier.
Of course some people are lucky they have Dave the Arlington Locksmith who give a first class locksmith service at unbeatable prices. He specialises in Rekey, Locks, and Installation and of course emergence unlocking which is something my friend and I could have done with on occasions such as last week.
Without Dave there as he is in Arlington USA, we had to go back to my friend’s house and break a window to get in. Maybe Dave can get a business set up here, there is certainly a demand for it and no doubt instant response and customer satisfaction abound as in Arlington. It's not only a new lock that is required but a new window! What an inconvenience losing your key, getting lock out without Dave around.