Here a tip if you like fighting as a sport and I am certainly one of them. Martial arts, boxing, wrestling Karate, I just love the all action, skills and sometimes the blood. Watching and following these sports contrary to some people's beliefs does not encourage violence outside the sport. It is a controlled environment and at the end of a day a sport that has far more credibility than many other sports which have no aerobic involvement.
There is a lot of following for fighting sports like I say and if you are also one of those who love the tangle of muscle, agility, as well as attacks then it is worth checking out websites that cater for that gender. there is one in particular that stadns out fromt he rest in terms of action packed updated news, info, pictures and links from around the world all about i.e. Mixed Martial Arts. I for one will be bookmarking it to keep up to date on these sports.
A word of warning though, this is not for the young who of course should be discouraged from having access to this kind of violence. Karate or a similar sport is fine, but some of the martial arts go beyond just self-defence and is a genre solely for adults.