I know better than most when my partner is about to start her menstrual cycle. Anyone who has a female partner will also know what both partners have to go through during this 'period.' Most times it is consider part of nature and we all put up with it month after month, but sometimes help is needed. This is where today's tip comes in.
The women's menstrual cycle of course is there naturally and fertility and PMS is all part of the process. When things get slightly out of hand there is a simple product that can help to regulate the menstrual cycle and at the same time increase fertility. It is a simple hormone replacement made by administering hormone cream called progesterone. It has benefits that come to the rescue not only to women but men who live with them. It is a therapy that is widely used to great success by many women who want more control over their menstrual cycle.
You can easily get progesterone cream online with lots of information online about on how to use it. In fact I would recommend buying it this way as it is cheaper and you have more choice over product brands. One I found with a good background was "Paraben-Free Pro-Gest®," which is basically a natural progesterone cream that also helps cure issues pertaining to the menopause.

Luckily for me my partner has not reached the menopause stage yet and her PMS each month is not too hard on her and me, but who knows in the near future progesterone cream may well have a place in out medicine cabinet. We're lucky, but other partners may not be so lucky in one sense but lucky to know that there is help at hand with products designed to reduce or eliminate all inconvenient symptoms that are associated with this.