Online blogs are very useful, if you keep an online journal to keep friends and family up to date on what you’re up to. Stick in some photos and videos and share express your thoughts. This is what a blog is for.

Having a digital camera is cheap and means you can take literally thousands of pictures for just the cost of the batteries. Get into action and sort out the best, organise them and share your best pictures. Online digital photographic albums are a great way to get friends and family up to date. Check out area where you can post photographs and then they can be shown off at any time. Make sure you keep it ticking over with fresh photographs on a weekly or monthly basis.

The beauty of all these mediums is that the are instant. No waiting involved apart from a minute or so to download photographs. There is no excuse to be isolated from you family or friends, you'll probably have more friends at the end of it as well.
There is no excuse to be isolated with today's cheap technology.