One great tip is to join up with chat lines and other online communications. You will have lots to talk about and there are many people who want to listen. Chat lines can benefit you in many ways. If you have a problem, there is always someone that will advise and help. If you want to know something, there is always information that other online chatter will know.
You of course will be in touch with people from all walks of life and all ages. Sometimes however, you will want to narrow down type of people you wish to chat with. I am not only an expatriate, but over 50 now - Gone are the days of high energy and conversations on chat lines about the most recent pop hits and teenage culture. I'd much rather slow it down and talk about something else, perhaps about the past and have a moan. After all that what my generation tend to do.
In essence I would much rather have a Senior Chat Room to meet and chat to people that are more likely to have something in common. Senior Chat City have exactly just that online, a place were seniors can meet and chat. It is 100% free to register as well.
Whether you are an expatriate of not, chat lines are a great way to open up new friendships and keep alive the art of conversation. Meeting people that are compatible to your own age makes chat even easier to chat as you will probably have many things in common and all in the comfort of your own home.