Three great recipes for superb cocktail drinks kindly dontated from Jim Lee Events part of
Dallas catering. You don't even have to go to a cocktail bar to drink them. You can simple make you own easily be mixing the cocktail components together. The three that were picked were my favourites, the first in line a unique cocktail coming straight from Jim Lee's Starlight Room. If you haven't tried cocktails before, there are big surprises waiting for you. Here's a good tip, why not make one for Valetine's Day? What better way to romance with some low lights, romantic music and a homemade cocktail.
“Cosmojio” from Jim Lee’s Starlight Room- White Rum
- Simple Syrup
- Lime Juice
- Mint Leaf for Garnish
Chocolate Martini- 2 oz. Vodka
- 1 ½ oz. Crème de Cacao
- Piece of chocolate for garnish
- Coat the rim with powdered Cocoa
Pomegranate Martini- 1 oz. Vodka
- ½ oz. orange liqueur
- 3 oz. Pomegranate Juice