Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Save Money By Sharing The Load With Parties

Save Money By Sharing The Load With Parties

Anther great tip from Bulgaria where the econonics and savings never fail to amaze me. It happened today at the factory work party where a great end of year feast was organised for the workers. This is an expensive business in a year where many have been made unenployed due to a turn down in business through a drop in sales. However the company was still in business and that was enough to celebrate this year.

As we were tyring to save money the idea was that every worker should bring in a dish and some drink. All 27 workers brought in a home cooked dish and the end result was a feast laid out fit for a King. The drink was plentiful and of course this didn't cost the company a penny. The left over were fed to the factory chicken and dogs and the left over drink returned to the owners. Most of the drink (wine and rakia) was homemade and it gave a change for everyone to sample different drinks something that many don't get a chance to as 99% of their food and drink are from their own home.

This saves money, noting is wasted therefore economical and a great talking point with the tried recipes and drinks. It was a great success and the workers felt that they also had contributed to the company's financial welfare doing this. We all hope we are in work this time next year and even if things are better business wise will probably do the same thing again it was that good.

So the tip is to share the contributions with parties, people will be more than willing to help and help the host, it doesn't have to be work based but home based.
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Saturday, 26 December 2009

Tip How To Save Money On Wasting Fresh Foods

Tip How To Save Money On Wasting Fresh Foods

You buy fresh food to eat, but how many people end up not eating it and throwing it away as it has past its best. There is a simple solution to this problem where you will be saving money and or course helping cut the waste that so many of us are guilty of.

There are two parts to this solution. The first is quite simple and involves a little calculation and will power. Buying fresh fruit and vegetables are the main culprit of waste, you should know beforehand how much you would need to cover the week's supplies in your household. Stick to your quantity as the grocer undoubtedly will be trying to get you to buy more than you need. Supermarkets are of course experts in this with 3 for the price of 2 a regular taunt to buy more. If you just want 2, just buy two and ask for a discount on these with the offer in mind. this won't work always but always worth asking. Supermarket staff are trained to bend over backwards trying to please so you may be pleasantly surprise if you do ask.

the second method to save money and waste is to get the longest life out of your purchased fresh foods. Ask the manager when the delivery of its fresh fruits and vegetables come in on the shelves. Fruits and vegetables go past their sell by date quickly as they have to be shipped quickly. If they restocks on Monday shop for these products on Monday. You will get a few extra day life on the foods if you do this.

Most people haven't got the courage to ask these things, more fool them! Supermarkets and big grocer stores are making enough money out of you, don't let them palm you off with less than the freshest possible foods and put you in control on how much you want to buy.
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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Tips To Prevent Home Fires This Christmas

CHANGCHUN, CHINA - NOVEMBER 9:  Uncertifed fir...

Fire kills and during Christmas and the cold weather fire risks are at their greatest. I have given a few tips on how to reduce the risks and get through Christmas and the New Year unscathed.

  • Candles are a popular during the festive season. The fact that a live fire is being used means that the risks of fire are increased. Don’t let children play with them and keep away from pets that could knock them over. Place them away from material that is combustible such as curtains and always make sure they are put out before retiring to bed.
  • Extension chords may be burdened with extra electrical present as gifts. Make sure you don’t overload them as they can overheat and combust in certain instances.
  • The log fire if you have one may not have been used since last winter. Make sure that it has been cleaned and given a good bill of health. Chimney fires are a common problem with un-maintained chimneys.
  • Always be present with any cooking you are making. A distraction such as guests turning up can easily lead to you forgetting there is something cooking and this often causes kitchen fires.
  • Drink is a common element at Christmas; smokers will tend to be very clumsy with their cigarettes so make sure you keep a beady eye on these people. Again cigarettes are a major cause of fires in the home, especially under the influence of alcohol.
  • If you have smoke alarms, make sure they are working and put fresh batteries in if they run on them.
  • Lastly, the Christmas tree is a big fire hazard if natural and dried out. Have you ever burnt your old used one; it goes up like a towering inferno! Make sure that you tree is watered and this will stop it from becoming inflammable.
With all this on board you should reduce the chances of your Christmas becoming an unforgettable nightmare with the outbreak of fire in your home and turning it into an Happy Christmas.
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Sunday, 20 December 2009

Extend The Life Of Your Boots With Leftovers

A pair of boots Extend The Life Of You Boots With LeftoversImage via Wikipedia

Here’s a tip that I picked up only yesterday at work and very useful it is as well. It eliminates waste and is put to good use to extend the life of footwear. If ever you are using glue or putty fro filling in gaps in walls or repairs on your car bodywork you are bound to have some left over when you have finished the job here’s what to do with it.

Simply use the leftover putty or glue and apply it to the sole of shoe or boots you may have. It will give further life to the soles and more cushioning when walking. It may not be practical to use it on all footwear, but working boots and walking footwear will certainly benefit from this application from material that would normally be thrown away.

I had some car filler putty applied to my working boots yesterday and it works really well. It is a tried and tested method that many of my workmates have used for years and of course typically Bulgarian in practical application that makes complete sense.
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Friday, 18 December 2009

Face Up To Laser Skin Cures And A New Life Awaits

I have many friends many whom I have not seen for years, school friends, University friends and former work colleague friends. Because my home location has changed many times over the years I loose contact with some, so it is great when I find someone who I haven’t seen for decades. Is happened recently.

I toured America back in 1976 and made many friends there, one in particular living in Los Angeles. I found her again by accident on Facebook. I always remember her for her outgoing personality even though she has a serious condition of port mark stains on her forehead, which she has had since birth. Having this problem was something she had o deal with most of her life, but when I saw a recent picture of her when catching up with all the lost news over the years, these marks had disappeared.

She admitted that her life had changed since she has had treatment to cure these birthmark stains that were so pronounced. Her confidence soared and a new person can about from the marks. She had found a local laser surgery clinic approved by the American Academy of Dermatology. A Celibre Los Angeles Dermatologist had given his assurance that she could be rid of this unfortunate birthmark that has plagued her for so long with modern laser techniques that also treat many other skin disorders.

My friend also had known someone who had had this treatment for a different ailment wrinkles laser treatment for a friend in orange county was another live changing experience and this is what led my friend to go ahead with it.

Needless to say, she is indeed a new person, more bubbly than before and enjoying a new found freedom and this is great to see. We plan to meet next year in Bulgaria (she is richer than me) where we will catch up with things face to face. Something she found hard to do before.

The tip here is to not resign yourself to skin ailments that give you an inferiority complex. The new laser technology can cure, and at a reasonable price, giving a new horizon to whoever has the courage to take it up. My friend has found a renaissance of life from this.
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Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Screws Are Seven TImes Better Than Nails

Screws come in a variety of shapes and sizes f...Image via Wikipedia

I don’t know why people use nails when they can use screws instead. The reason for this has been known for many years now and has stuck in my mind for decades. Quite simply, screws are seven times more secure than nails.

How many time have you bought some furniture and found that after a short while the nails start losing their grip and eventually wear the wood and become looser and looser as you keep knocking them back in.

Well here’s the tip – When you buy god that just have nails that are securing bit and pieces, take them out whenever practical and replace them with screws. Screws only cost a few pence each and being seven times stronger and also as an equivalent last seven times longer.

I have done this with wardrobes with nailed backing (plywood) and cabinet draw bases with tacks, both from new and I have not had any problem with the screws not budging in the slightest since. For the amount of time it takes to do this it is time well invested.

You can also save the nails that should be brand new and can be used again for other jobs.
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Sunday, 13 December 2009

Dimmer Swtches Should Be More Widely Used

Dimmer Swtches Should Be More Widely Used

Dimmer switches for lighting in the home have been around every since I can remember. Somehow though the innovation of these has not really been taken up as standard in homes and that is very surprising.

Dimmer switches save energy therefore save you money, but it is not as simple as that for one very good reason. You can’t use dimmer switches with power saving bulbs and this may well be the very reason they are not used in many homes that have already made the switch to energy efficient bulbs. His aside there is sill a massive waste of energy in homes that have standard light bulbs and no dimmer switches.

I myself have energy efficient bulbs in 90% of my only because some of the fitting can’t accommodate them. Where standard light bulbs are used two out of the three places have dimmer switches fitting. The one that isn’t is an outside security light therefore not practicable.

The chances are that your own home hasn’t got these useful dimmer switches that can add a certain romance to the rooms they are installed in. The television become more of a cinema with dimmed lights and your conscience will be aware of the saving on electric being made. Don’t forget full power can always be used if a bright light is needed for reading etc.

You can simply buy dimmer switches in many style and very cheaply. The saving you make on electric will pay for the cost of the change to dimmer switches before you know it. So don’t just think about it, do it, it’s a great tip.
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Friday, 11 December 2009

Back To Basics Using Chalk and Chalkboards

A chalkboard.

Back to basics sometimes is the best solution. A tip on how to save paper and chemically based writing materials can be made simply by doing exactly that. Whether at home or at work using pens and paper is a common for various tasks. Why not go back to the chalk and chalkboard?

The chalk and chalkboard was something I used when teaching in schools for a number of years and its use was really quite underrated. Why other industries don’t use it more often is a mystery when you consider the cost effectiveness. This is certainly a consideration that should be taken into account as business are not just about making money but cutting overheads and saving money as well.

The idea occurred as work here where they use chalk and a metal door to record number units that are manufactured there. Every evening these are taken and recorded in a computer database and the chalk is rubbed off ready for the next day’s figures. There is no wasted paper or plastic pens that have to be disposed of. The additional benefit is that you can’t lose the information on a door unlike a bit of paper, which adds to the practicalities of using this system.

If you are currently using pens and paper look to see whether you can change to a chalk and chalkboard system and give the environment a little extra help.
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Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Short Hair Saves Money And The Environment

Short Hair Saves Money And The EnvironmentStill Pretty - But short

It may seem like quite a strange thing to do to save energy, but having short hair makes a massive difference to the amount of energy that is used to look after it. What on earth am I talking about I hear you ask? Well making saving on energy comes in all forms and many ways are just not thought of and this is one.

Fair do, if you are set on having long hair and spend hour upon hour each week washing it, using electric curlers then blow drying and frequent trips to the hair designer using their electrical systems to get you hair just right, you have to live with the guilt of using electric purely for vanity. Have you every considered having short hair designs that are just a trendy but more economical and environmentally friendly? If not think about it.

I not suggesting we all go around bald, (which also seems to be the fashion with men right now) but just reduce the amount of hair that need washing and drying. It is a simple equation of the more hair you have the more hot water you use and the longer the hair dryer is running. On top of this long hair needs more frequent washing added to the energy needed. It makes so much sense without even to mentioning healthier hygiene with short hair.
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Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Think Before Buying Replacement Cartridges For Your Printer

Think Before Buying Replacement Cartridges For Your Printer

If there is one source of money down the drain that it has to replacement ink cartridges for printers. The vast majority of business and home printers users just buy new cartridges without doing any research into where their sources come from. How much have you put down the drain over the last few years?

I have to put my hands up as well and say I have done the same many times shopping in the high street for a new cartridge as I want it now rather than buying before the old one runs out.

To save money here you have to shop in advance, that way there will be less temptation to buy the first one you see in the rush to get it installed and running in your printer. Buying online makes complete sense from the point of getting outstanding value compared to retail shop suppliers. Many online shops of ink printer cartridges give a post free service with fast delivery and money-back guarantees. The difference of buying now and waiting a couple of days for cartridges will make a big difference in your pocket.

In addition to this a good tip not only for you money but also for the environment is to only print essential material not only saving ink but paper – ultimately trees! Take both these tips and you’ll not only be richer, but in addition have a less guilty conscience.

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Monday, 7 December 2009

Short Shared Showers - Good For The Environment

Short Shared Showers - Good For The Environment

Taking a shower is meant to save on water and heating opposed to having a bath, but that of course depends on how long you are in the shower. I for one love a bath but take quick showers to save on water, electric and an always aware of the time spent doing this.

Just one minute less time spent in a shower could over an extended period make big difference in you electric or gas bills. Just think of the money and energy wasted by just standing in the shower doing nothing. If you are that way inclined then perhaps you would be more economical by taking a shallow bath.

Try trying the shower off while using the shower gel and sponge, it is only being washed away before it has a chance to clean anyway so you will be saving on shower gel as well.

Another tip if you have a shower unit that is placed above your bath is to put the plug in the bath while showering and you can then wallow in the water that is now effectively a bath.
It goes without saying that sharing a shower or bath with someone is still a great way of saving money and of course having fun!
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Friday, 4 December 2009

Top EC Droppers For November 2009

Here it is folks, November's Top Ten Entrecard droppers and Pure Natural Diva takes the honours, but it was a close run thing! She won by a technical knock out, which I'm not too sure how it works; Traders' Hub was on equal 31 drops for the month which only has 30 days! Another enigma!

Thanks to all who take the time to drop on 'Tips N Wrinkles' blog, I try and recipricate to all who do daily.

Here's the list:

Dropper # of drops
Pure Natural Diva 31
Traders' Hub 31
Business & Life Success 30
Learning Corner 30
The Sweet Life 29
Akila's Blog 29
All 2 Read 27
atenean101 @ Blogspot 24
Photojournalist ! 24
SkipRatt mountain bike blog 20
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Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Doorbells Versus Knockers - Knockers Win!

Doorbells Versus Knockers - Knockers Win!A Classic Knocker

Electricity is expensive for the household and every home should be thinking about trying to restrict the energy that is used. It is not only good for the household finance with cheaper electricity bills, but also for the environment and peace of mind knowing you are doing your bit.

Everything should be considered on ways of saving energy and the tip here is to look at your doorbell if you have one. It is either power directly from the mains or from a battery and that of course means using up energy that can be saved on. The more visitors you get the more energy is used up. Now I’m not suggesting for one moment that you discourage visitors but look at alternative ways of them making their presence known.

Before electrically powered doorbell gadget came out home used to have a knocker. This is something that would be good coming back into fashion. Knocking on the front door is also much more fun than pressing a button. Think about it. Over the period of a few years you will have made a difference with the energy you would have saved by using a manual knocker on your front door and it can be a fashion statement with thousands of designs to choose from.

I personally got rid of my electric doorbell years ago and have a knocker, but even this isn’t used as the dog is my doorbell.
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Sunday, 29 November 2009

Save Heating By Using Room Temperature Water

Save Heating By Using Room Temperature Water style=

Winter has arrived for most as we look forward to higher electric and gas bill as we use more and more energy to heart things up. What can you do to make the most of the energy you use? There are a few tips that you can take on board here to reduce the bills you get and of course the emissions that pollute our atmosphere to give you the energy in your home.

Hot water is something most people need in winter, whether for just a cup of tea or for cooking. You can do simple things to save on the heating of water before you use it on the heat. It may seem quite petty with the power you save here but if done as a habit every time you will save money.

Water from the tap is usually very cold and most people use this directly in their cooking or putting into their electric kettle to heat up. Cold water takes up more energy than room temperature water and that’s where the saving can be made. Before you go to work in the morning, fill a couple of 2 litre plastic bottle with tap water and use this for you drinks and cooking in the evening when you get home.

This may save just a few pence each day but add that up over four or five months and you are talking pounds! There is a feel good factor to it as well of course with the energy you save, that is if you are a caring person.
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Thursday, 26 November 2009

Newspapers - You Pay Good Money So Use Them

Newspapers - You Pay Good Money So Use Them

Saving things should be something that is done as a normal part of your everyday life. Simple things such as newspapers can be saved, but not for giving to your local rubbish collection services which incidentally you pay for whether you like it or not out of your taxes, but to keep for yourself. Why on earth would I want to save newspapers I hear you asking?

Well, since my experience in Bulgaria it has come to my notice on how wasteful many other so called ‘environmentally friendly; countries are. Look at it this way, you pay money for you newspapers which you then own. You read it and then you pay again for it to be disposed. Then your newspaper is then making someone else more money from selling it on for recycling. Your newspaper has been paid for three times form the time you bought it. Why let others’ profit from your possession you paid good money for?

All fine and well, but what can I do with a used and dated newspaper? There are many uses, from donating it to a local school for education, turning your newspapers into brinks for wood burners, using newspapers as part of the material on your compost heap, use it to wrap items you don’t use such as cutlery and vases that are stored. You can use newspapers as insulation in walls. Making a paper mache you can make your own sculptures and decorations for Christmas. Back to the garden, you can use newspaper in to potting cups that will decompose when planted as a whole. The simplest use is to use the newspapers as fire starters. The list is uses is never ending and all will be making the most of something you paid money for.

The next time you buy a newspaper you should think ahead as to what you will do with it after it has been read – Make it work for you then you will be saving money and the world.

Image by birdfarm via Flickr
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Wednesday, 25 November 2009

An Online Shopper's Directory That Has Everything!

An Online Shopper's Directory That Has Everything!

Have you ever bought something online? If you haven’t you are missing out big time of saving that can be made instead of shopping in the high street. The reason for this is quite simple, online shops have minute overheads compared to shops or warehouses but it doesn’t end there.

Shopping on line can be done in the comfort of your own home without pushy salespersons crowds of other customers hustling and bustling with their screaming kids running around causing you stress. There is no rush at all to make a decision in buying online and most if not all nowadays come with easy payment methods, guarantees and money back if not satisfied. With a recession still in full flow it also makes so much sense to use the online method as you are more likely to spend less on impulse than bowing to high street advertising tactics to make you spend more.

Okay you want a GPS Device, where do you go to shop online for this as there are hundreds if not thousands of place that have this for sale. Well the best tip is to use an online shopping directory that lists all web based shops. It will give you the top choices and the best-valued places. The beauty is that online shops do not have to pay to be included in their database therefore there is no leaning to any online shops.

The shopper's directory in question is called ShopWiki and you can find anything and everything with a few click of your mouse. If you need car speakers or a car DVD player or indeed anything to do with a car you will speed you way to the shops that have the best deals online. It is a bit like a shoppers’ Google with the way it works.

So the tip is if you are buying online use ShopWiki and it will take you to the best online shops around saving you time money and of course less headaches surfing.
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Save On Heating Bills - Simply Move Your Bed

Save On Heating Bills - Simply Move Your Bed

One of the best ways of saving heat in the winter is to take a tip from Bulgarians and simply move your bed into a room that is already heated before you go to bed, i.e. your kitchen or living room. It may seem strange to most people to do this, but it makes so much economic sense to do this just for the winter months.

We do this every winter here and we’d hate to see our electric and gas bills if we didn’t. Besides the economics, there is nothing like going to bed in a warm room knowing that is makes good financial sense to do this, it certainly makes you sleep easier as well!

The Bulgarians have been doing this for as long as they can remember purely form a practical point and practical is certainly is. You may need to make a few adjustments to the furniture, even get a bed/sofa system instead of a settee that has no other benefits other than a seat. The money you save on not heating a bedroom that you only use to sleep in is outright wasteful to me now.

Remember it will only be for the cold weather months, things can go back to where they were once the warm spring arrives again.

Image by K.W. via Flickr
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Monday, 23 November 2009

Advertising With Your Blog - It Pays

Home Computer Workstation

Okay you are reading this blog therefore I can only assume you are a blogger yourself. You must have an interest in blogging at the very least to be reading this so this blog post will interest you with the tip that is to be given.

A blog is a means of having your say to a wide audience of readers that may take an interest in what write. Even if they don’t and visit you site the chances are they will not only look at you post but the whole blog environment and that includes advertisements that are on your blog.

Even if you don’t’ intentionally put ads on your blog there is still advertising going on. For example your title is an advert for your blog post! The domain you use may be plugged somewhere albeit tucked away somewhere discrete on you home page. You just can’t get a way from advertising on a blog. Let’s face it you won’t get seen and read by anyone if you don’t advertise in any case.

So blog advertising is part and parcel of this constructive hobby or for many people vocation. So if you are blogging why not have the reward of advertising, not only for increased traffic that will want to see you blog, but also for paying for the overheads involved in Internet operations. How much do you pay each month for your Internet? How much for your weblog? Electric? You can make you blogging pay for all this by using your blog in advertising then you are more than likely earn money beyond your expenses which is spare to invest in more advertising if you wish. The first point of call is to advertise your blog on one of the biggest web directories dmoz. Then you can go for hundreds of others that are all free. They will give you traffic and therefore increase you chances of getting more advertising opportunities from third parties as well as other bloggers who will take a vested interest in being advertised on you now more popular blog.

Well the tip has been given and you can start next time you log on. The secret is to do a little but often.
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Sunday, 22 November 2009

Autumn Leaves - Make Use Of Them

Autumn Leaves - Make Use Of Them

It is autumn and the leaves are falling with their many colours. What do you do with those leaves once gathered? Are you allowed to burn them? I bet not you have to dispose of them in another way, perhaps in plastic lined bags or in wheeled bins to be taken away by services that specialise in disposing of garden waste. What a palaver!

Falling leaves are a natural phenomenon but this world treats it as a big inconvenience and industries have been built up to deal with it. The leaves are natures way of putting goodness back into the ground by decomposing in their environment, but unfortunately many trees are in built up areas and the surround is concrete based, leaves that drop there have to be moved, far do, but what about the majority of trees that are in gardens? I fear that many claim that it would ruin the grass areas and they have a valid point, but the leaves should not be sent away but recycled near where they lie.

The practical thing to do is make compost form them. Composts are very easy and leaves added with other decomposing material make a valuable contribution to next year’s free compost. How much did you spend on compost this year? Leaves will continue to fall year in year out, this is a benefit for you not an inconvenience.

Changing the way we think about this natural annual occurrence will really make a difference to the environment and the money in your pocket.
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Friday, 20 November 2009

Television The Ultimate Advertising Machine

Television The Ultimate Advertising Machine

Do you watch television? I bet the answer is yes for the vast majority. Added to this I guess you watch television out of habit rather than anything else. I suggest that watching television is the greatest waste of time on earth – Why?

Quite simply, television is advertising, nothing more or less. It crawls into your mind with images, sounds and sub conscious viruses that make you do things that you wouldn’t do not watching television. The whole process is of course passive, you do nothing other than sit there and get drawn into the spider’s parlour and the advertising devours you.

Even when you aren’t watching television you can hear it and what your hear is so familiar you know what picture is on the screen without the need to view. Such is the power that the advertisers have over you. How many times to you quote a phrase from something you have heard form television or whistled or sung a tune that you cant’ get our of your head. This of course in third party advertising as the people who hear this also recognise the pictures they relate to it and of course their minds are focussed on the advertisers goods or services! This is imprisoning your mind and millions don’t even realise it.

If you want to watch television, schedule what you want to see, watch it and turn it off and do something more constructive like blogging of going for a walk, it is more healthy for the mind and body respectively and of course you will be out of the control of those manipulative marketing moguls who are ruining the earth with their greed for commercial greed.
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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Grow Your Own Fruit And Vegetables - No Excuses

Supermarket in São Paulo

Fruit and vegetables are overly expensive and so many people have no other choice other than to buy them from supermarkets and grocer stores, after all what else can they do. What a silly statement that is, what else can they do! Grow your own.

I don’t have the time! Bull, how much television do you watch a day, at least an house guaranteed. Imagine what you could do with that hour each day growing you own fruit and vegetables!

I don’t have the space! Bull, get rid of some flowers and put some eating produce there. Don’t have a garden? A balcony will do, tomatoes, potted herbs, grow-bags that will entertain most vegetables.

I don’t have the knowledge! Bull, how much intelligence does it take to put a seed a couple of centimetres into some earth and make sure it doesn’t dry out by watering regularly?

Supermarket fruit and vegetables are far better than I could produce! Bull, they are chemically engineered to EU standards and have toxins within that your grandchildren might find out how much damage they could do down the line of generations who eat them.

Even is is a simple plate of water and cress for a sandwich it is better then nothing – Have you sent he cost of water and cress in supermarkets! It’s criminal!
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Monday, 16 November 2009

Direct TV - Well Worth Comparing With Your Current Package

2-D logo.

Television is part sand parcel of life now. All out information and news is sought from this means of communication, but people still get conned into getting television packages that ore over priced and just don’t give value for money. We certainly are now looking again at our own cable package that to us seems overpriced for what we get. This is what took my attention and now we are seriously considering changing our contract to a more competitive and comprehensive one.

Direct TV is a package that delivers a quote within 15 seconds online, this way you can compare your own cable pricing and service with what’s on offer here. DirectTV can give a package that cost as little as $29.99 which includes more than 150 digital based channels, does your current contract compare with that?

Directv seems like a good tip to check out, there is no harm in finding out what the competition is like. It is always been said on this blog that if you want to save money you should shop around and look for the offers that are open to you before buying anything. This is how the expensive and often rogue based companies’ get away with conning people purely from customers not doing their homework.

I won‘t say anymore other than saying, “Happy viewing, come what may!”
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Sunday, 15 November 2009

Good Advice During The Winter Season

A tree covered with Snow

One tip that was given to me some 40 years ago by a schoolteacher is one of the best tips I have every heard and has made me laugh for as many years whenever I recall it. Let me get you laughing as well, but don’t forget to take this tip seriously as well especially now as the winter is arriving and it is the season for this plain advice.


There you are, you now are that much wiser for the next round of snow you get.

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Wednesday, 11 November 2009

British Airways World Sale - Book Before The World Sale Ends

British Airways Boeing 767, featuring "De...

Okay guys, here is a tip you may want to take up and in hindsight never forget. Pick a place in the world you’d like to go to and make the most of British Airways World Sale that is on at the moment. The reason British Airways have got this sale on is promote flight and packages to and from the US and Canada. It will have to be a quick decision as the offer is open only from the 10th - 19th November so you have 9 days to get your bookings in.

If I had my choice it would be Nairobi as I have a friend who lives and words there and I haven’t seen him for nearly 20 years! British Airways are offering flights form New York (JFK) for $512 each way or $1,297 for a return trip, which includes 3 nights Bed and Breakfast in a 4 star Jacaranda Hotel.

British Airways is renown for their world-class service with upgrades covering complimentary food and cocktails on all flights, 200+ On-Demand Entertainment Choices and a destination guide that will enhance you holiday experience. With their ergonomically designed seats the flights will give you the best ever comfort. Have you every flown by other so called cheap airlines and found the service cramped, charges for everything that should be standard in a flight? I have, it’s a con and wouldn’t fly with these airlines again

If you are going places or want to go places and you want to go now, book your flights or package now. It would be a great idea to go Christmas shopping abroad and be different this year.

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Sunday, 8 November 2009

Don't Do It! - Smoke That Is

Don't Do It! - Smoke That Is

Don’t do it! Please, please think twice before you buy and use this and reflect on the damage it can do to you, the people around you and the environment. It is quite simple – SMOKING!

The reason I am saying this is that this weekend I am seeing my best friend slowly and painfully dying due to smoking. He can’t turn the clock back and his addiction, that had been aided and abetted by money grabbing cigarette companies and government who are also money grabbing for the tax they generate. It is also a government who are laughing behind his back as he will not reach pension age and receive his hard earned pension which he has paid toward all his working life!

Don’t do it! Think of all the people who benefit from smoking and this will certainly help you to curb the habit. Why do you let them get a way with it, they are killing you and stealing your hard earned cash, on the face of it they should be put behind bars!
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